Why is Canada Still Supporting the USe of Nuclear Weapons?
Why do other countries support and also have nuclear weapons such as Russia, the U.S., China, the UK, India, France, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea, etc?
Why is Canada Still Supporting the USe of Nuclear Weapons?
Why do other countries support and also have nuclear weapons such as Russia, the U.S., China, the UK, India, France, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea, etc?
So when did the NDP policy change to the acceptance of nuclear weapons? Instead of opposing nukes or hoping for peace your only response is deflective Whataboutism.
Nuclear weapons are evil however only one country has ever used them. All the other nations played catch up because they felt threatened by that imperial power. I remember the marches in the '70's and '80's in places like Comox to ensure that we did not allow the deployment of nukes.
As a bona fide NATO cheerleader you will be happy to hear that the Comox AFB is now going through a major construction and we now are a regular joint training and exercise faculty for sending surveillance missions to Asia.
Whoopie we're all going to die.
Nuclear weapons are evil however only one country has ever used them.
1. Against these guys.
2. We just beat Germany to the punch that's all.
So when did the NDP policy change to the acceptance of nuclear weapons? Instead of opposing nukes or hoping for peace your only response is deflective Whataboutism.
The NDP , Conservatives, and Liberals, all support the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. I do too. I’m very happy Canada does not have nuclear weapons. I support the elimination of nuclear weapons throughout the world not just for specific countries like the U.S.
1. Against these guys.
2. We just beat Germany to the punch that's all.
1. They didn't beat Germany to the punch because they kept going after Germany was defeated. It wasn't even about ending the war. They kept going because they saw the Cold War coming, and they wanted to see how it worked.
2. If it was about vengeance, as you seem to imply, I don't think it is anything China asked for. Given the choice, maybe they would have preferred U.S. drop it on the people who destroyed the Summer Palace.
3. Also on vengeance, why do you think the atrocity against the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is justice for Nanjing?
No2Nato Broadcast #16 (&vid)
"The road to war..."
NATO Provocator: 'Brava NATO!' (&vid)
"We love NATO!".
Dedicated to the late Jack Layton NDP. 'NATO? We're going to change it from within!'
They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
European Govts Demand Massive Arms Buildup After Trump's Threat To Withdraw Support For NATO Members
"...Trump stated during a campaign appearance that as president he would not assist NATO members who do not invest at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product in the military in the event of a Russian attack.
He added, 'I would encourage them [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want!'
European govts have responded to these comments by further accelerating their rearmament and preparing a nuclear war against Russia, against which they are already waging [losing!] a proxy war in Ukraine.
In a guest article for The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, German Finance Minister and Free Democratic Party leader Christian Lindner called for the development of joint European nuclear weapons, which would also make Germany a nuclear power for the first time in history.
Polish PM Donald Tusk said that Macron's offer to Europeanize French nuclear weapons must be taken 'really seriously': There is no reason at all why the European Union should be militarily weaker than Russia.'
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen intends to present a plan later this month to support the European defence industry with billions of Euros of taxpayers' money and to join forces across borders..."
Is Chrystia Freeland still on that shortlist for NATO Sec-Gen I wonder? Who better than the Nazi's grand-daughter to see us all off safely to kingdom come..?
How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
Slava yer crazy!
US-NATO Risks Nuclear War With Plans For Attacks On Russia
"...Confronted with the deterioration of Ukraine's military position and significant advances by Russian forces, the NATO powers are publicly threatening a massive escalation of the war involving the direct deployment of NATO combat troops on Ukrainian territory and attacks on Russian infrastructure and cities.
Last week, members of the governments of four NATO members - France, CANADA, the Netherlands and Lithuania - stated that they were considering sending combat troops to fight Russia in Ukraine.
Then, on Friday, Russian media outlets published a leaked discussion among German military leaders discussing the use of German long-range weapons to strike Crimea. In the midst of these developments, the UK government admitted to having deployed a 'small number' of troops to Ukraine.
The reckless escalation of the war is being carried out without any explanation of what NATO is planning, let alone a frank acknowledgment of the potentially catastrophic consequences of the deployment of forces in Ukraine and attacks on Russia.
Dismissing the explicit warning made by Putin during the past week that direct intervention by NATO forces into Ukraine could lead to the use of nuclear weapons, NATO leaders and the media are laughing off the danger with claims the Russian president is merely bluffing.
There is no justification for such complacency. The Biden administration and its [Canadian and] European allies are engaged in a staggeringly reckless game of nuclear Russian Roulette.
Apparently forgetting their own earlier statements made at the start of the war in February 2022, that direct intervention by NATO would mean World War III, the imperialist leaders now assert that Russia will not retaliate even if its territory is directly attacked.
Moreover, even if there exists the possibility of a massive counter-attack, they insist that NATO must not be deterred by that danger.
The war is being driven to a much larger and bloodier scale. All of this is being done behind the backs of the population, relying on a lack of information and disinformation.
The ruling class is lying to the public because it wishes to be free to carry out its military conspiracies unimpeded. There is already broad opposition among workers and youth to the escalation of war..."
Wakey wakey Canucklheads. Your NATO nazi-clappers are leading you down the primrose path to hell...
No To NATO! No To Its Escalating War! Negotiations Now!
Kosovo War At 25 : Bliar's Secret Invasion Plan To Topple Milosevic Revealed
"Top secret papers reviewed by The Grayzone reveal Tony Blair demanded strikes on civilian targets in Yugoslavia days before NATO attacked them.
While the UK military acknowledged a NATO strike on Hotel Jugoslavia would mean inflicting 'some civilian casualties', it insisted the deaths were 'worth the costs'..."
Remember it. Canada OUT of NATO. Neutral and Non-Aligned - NOT 'Rules-Based-International' Fascist Order. Organize, plan and get there.
The unipolar empire is dying. The multi-polar world is born. Attention must be paid. Arrangements must be made. By the people not the present misleadership class that must go.
A new day must dawn in place of today's nato-nazi nightmare. And so the work begins. Connect our dots. Disconnect theirs. Make it better. Together. For dear life.
Eurasia v NATOstan: The Defining Struggle of Our Time (&vid)
"Welcome to a preview of my new book Eurasia v NATOstan, out in the US in the next few days."
A new day must dawn in place of today's nato-nazi nightmare. And so the work begins. Connect our dots. Disconnect theirs. Make it better. Together. For dear life.
How high do you get when you post?
Canada Pledges To Spend More on Defence: US Applauds Move
"Canada, under pressure from the United States to ramp up defence spending, on Monday pledged billions more for the armed forces and said its military expenditures will be closer to the NATO target by 2030..."
This is what vassal status looks like Canucklheads.
NATO is on the verge of collapse commerades!
"Russia smashes NATO."
Putin’s crazy invasion of Ukraine has expanded NATO by causing Finland, Sweden, and maybe still Ukraine to join NATO. Is Putin secretly working for NATO?!?!?!
"Russia smashes NATO."
Putin’s crazy invasion of Ukraine has expanded NATO by causing Finland, Sweden, and maybe still Ukraine to join NATO. Is Putin secretly working for NATO?!?!?!
It's killed over 500,000 people so it's helping climate change too.
The North American Peace Movement At An Inflection Point
"The North American peace movement is contesting ongoing US wars in Ukraine and Palestine and preparations for war with China.
Out of the fog of these wars, a clear anti-imperialist focus is emerging.
Giving peace a chance has never been more plainly understood as opposition to what Martin Luther King Jr, referred to as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world..."
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
US-Led West on Verge of Causing Nuclear War: Lavrov (&vid)
"The three Western nuclear powers are among the chief sponsors of the Kiev regime and main organizers of provocations against Russia, the foreign minister said..."
And Canada.
I think that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is going to end like the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
Black: Peace in Our Time - Complete & General Disarmament
"There will be no peace unless there is the will to peace and there can be no will to peace unless peace is the only way..."
I think that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is going to end like the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
Looks likely.