I don't know if this article has been posted elsewhere but I think it's an interesting postmortem on the international left of the last 20-ish years. I don't agree with all of the author's conclusions but I think it identifies some of the issues that have led to the left's failures and what might be learned in building a strategy going forward. The points about organization and rupture I thought were especially pertinent.
Omlets with Eggshells: On the Failure of the Millennial Left by Alex Hochuli
Meanwhile, though Cutrone underplays the specific problems of organization of our age—specifically the decline of associationism—his essays are useful for urging historical thinking. Millennials “blew their chance to relate to history in new ways that challenged and tasked them beyond post-60s doxa.” Instead, the millennial Left, in both protest and populist phases, evince a nostalgic quality, whether in pushing for a new New Deal or (much worse) replaying 1960s hippie protests or 1980s “resistance” to neoliberalism. These practices and beliefs “do not augur new possibilities but hold to old memories from a time when many if not most were not yet even alive. Its spectral—unreal—quality is evident.”
We should be alert to a troubling fact: over the past one hundred years, the left has mostly arrived post-festum, certainly in the West. It plays a role in ushering in a new era, then attacks the new era, and finally finds itself nostalgic for it. So the Left attacked the stultifying welfare-warfare state in the 1960s in the name of individualism, actions which, despite their intentions, laid the ground for neoliberalism once the postwar order fell into crisis. The Left then set up its stall as the resistance against the reorganization of capitalism along neoliberal lines, accompanied by the most forceful, moralized rhetoric in defense of society against individualism. Finally, the Left finds itself neoliberalism’s last defenders in the face of so-called right-populism in the form of Trump, Le Pen, Brexit, Vox, Fratelli d’Italia, or what have you. The Left may not defend neoliberal policies, but it holds to neoliberal or neoliberalized organizations and institutions, be it the Democratic Party or the EU or the university or the NGO.