My Art Wears a Mask: a rabble radio podcast series

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My Art Wears a Mask: a rabble radio podcast series

Hello All,

Our podcast executive producer has come up with a fascinating new rabble radio series, My Art Wears a Mask, about young Canadian artists working in the time of COVID. You can find the the first two episodes here and here, with the third in the series posted in the next day or so. I hope you enjoy this exclusive to rabble podcast series.


i listened to the first episode.   nicely done interview, real people coming from an honest place.  the take my hand music video effectively moved me,  great voice. 

not sure about the my art wears a mask series title, at first reading seems as a social conformity signal, which isn't the role of art in my books.   the veiled angle seems more subversive and to my liking.   hmmn, ambiguity in four and a half words.