An Alberta student has been acquitted of assault of a professor in her home while intoxicated on mushrooms.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the Davisult case that a man who consumed extreme amounts of alcohol to the point of automatism was not responsible for his actions.
The Federal government enacted section 33.1 of the criminal code to state that if someone voluntarily consumes alcohol to that level of intoxication that the consumption of alcohol constitutes intent to commit a crime.
Section 33.1 has been deemed unconstitutional by the Ontario Court of Appeal.
But we were assured that the burden of proof was set too high to ever garner an acquittal.
a man broke into a woman's home in the middle of the night naked, assaulted her while on mushrooms and was acquitted.
What, if any, are the legal options available to hold men accountable for assaults while intoxicated?