Liberals trivializing women's equality
I just read [url=]this story in the Toronto Star. [/url] I was interested to know what the Liberal motion was about. So I checked around and found out that [url= is the text of the motion:
March 4, 2008 — Ms. Minna (Beaches—East York) — That, in the opinion of the House:
(a) women's equality is a matter of human rights and, since the Court Challenges Program was a useful tool in achieving that end, it should be reinstated;
(b) to provide a legitimate and necessary voice to the needs of women, research and advocacy should be restored to the government's Women's Program;
(c) an adequate supply of high quality childcare spaces is essential to ensuring women’s participation in the workforce and the government should take the necessary steps immediately to create 125,000 spaces as it promised;
(d) since access to government services is essential in rural areas and the government’s closure of 12 of 16 regional offices of Status of Women Canada further isolates rural women, the government should take immediate steps to improve access for our most isolated Canadians;
(e) there is a growing need in Canada for a national housing strategy designed to assist the most vulnerable in our society and to treat them with the respect they deserve; and
that, therefore, the House condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on November 28, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quйbйcois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians.
I was so disappointed that the Liberals are playing games with women's equality. They have deliberately put forward a motion that cannot be supported by the NDP or the Bloc. If the motion was calling on the Conservatives to do something for women's equality, it would have been supported by all opposition MP's. Instead, the Liberals are playing games. I bet when the motion has been defeated, the Liberals will run to women's organizations saying that the Bloc and the NDP voted against women's rights. But the truth is, the Liberals wrote a motion that has nothing to do with women's equality, and everything with cheap political shots.
I've already sent a note to Maria Minna who wrote the motion to indicate my deep disappointed at her behaviour. Her email is [email protected] . If you share my disappointment at what the Liberals are doing, I encourage you to send Ms. Minna an email and cc the NDP's Irene Mathyssen at [email protected] and Bloc's Nicole Demers at [email protected]
They are apparently have a non-confidence motion tomorrow against the Bloc and the NDP. [img]rolleyes.gif" border="0[/img] crazy on a ship of fools!!!
Election-wary Liberals move non-confidence in . . . . other opposition parties OTTAWA - Liberals will attempt to turn the tables Thursday on rival parties who've ridiculed them for being afraid of toppling the minority Conservative government.They'll introduce a motion condemning the NDP and Bloc Quebecois for defeating the previous Grit government in November 2005, thereby enabling Stephen Harper's Tories to win power.
The motion slams the Harper government for setting back women's equality rights by cancelling such Liberal measures as the Court Challenges Program and a national child care program.
And it concludes by resolving that the House of Commons "condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on Nov. 25, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quebecois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians."
Bumping this, as today the Liberals are holding a non-confidence motion against the Bloc and the NDP.
This is absolutely laughable. The opposition doesn't have confidence in the third-party oppositions? And the reason they don't is because they did what the Liberals refuse to do: challenge the government.
How, pray tell, are the Conservatives expected to vote for this motion?
Originally posted by Catchfire:
[b]This is absolutely laughable.
How, pray tell, are the Conservatives expected to vote for this motion?[/b]
It is more than laughable, it is insane and disgusting their moving their agenda forward on the causes and life of women, another article on it:
They'll introduce a motion condemning the NDP and Bloc Quebecois for defeating the previous Grit government in November 2005, thereby enabling Stephen Harper's Tories to win power.The motion slams the Harper government for setting back women's equality rights by cancelling such Liberal measures as the Court Challenges Program and a national child care program.
And it concludes by resolving that the House of Commons "condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on Nov. 25, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quebecois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians."
I think all the other parties should just not bother showing up for the vote. It's stupid.
Originally posted by Michelle:
[b]I think all the other parties should just not bother showing up for the vote. It's stupid.[/b]
I would have to disagree. I think it is what the Liberals may be trying to do. If the other parties start missing votes how are they different than the Liberals who have been dodging votes for months?
Really, I weould like to know how they can believe they could be viewed as being sane, when after all it is 2005 they are talking about, and it is now 2008.
I can't believe that this laughable motion isn't being ridiculed more in the press? Perhaps it is, I'm only getting internet news?
Yes, this is especially pathetic, given that both real Opposition parties have voted to a man (Peter Stoffer) against Pro-Lifer Ken Epp's private bill that would give legal status to fetuses, against women's rights, while the Grits voted in total disarray: Yeas, Nays, Absentees (including Feckless Stйphane), and effectively torpedoed the rest of the Opposition's concern over this horrible piece of useless legislation. [url=]Sample letter to send your own MP & party leaders[/url]
[url='s IWD editorial[/url]
And finally they tried to play us for foolsIt is bad enough that the Liberals didn't deem this budget as worth of an election, and then let Bill C-484 pass, but then as if to play us for fools the women’s caucus of the Liberal Party held a press conference at the end of the week denouncing the budget's exclusion of women's issues that could not be supported by the NDP or the Bloc. Yuck. (Though the NDP proposed an amendment to the proposal that of course was rejected. Again, for more discussion of all this, visit babble.)
If they really cared about women, the Liberals would work with the other opposition parties to defeat Bill C-484 and to put a spotlight on how regressive the cuts and changes to the SWC have been to women.
Speaking of women, did Harper make any statement on International Women's Day? Did he bother to recognize it? And if he did, what meaningless platitudes did he offer?
They don't give a damn about women. They were simply using this opportunity to condemn the other parties for not being Liberals. It's ridiculous. I even have some sympathy for the position that the Liberal government shouldn't have been toppled early when they were FINALLY getting off their asses on a national child care program after years. It was way better than what we have now.
But this is frigging ridiculous. The real enemy of the Liberal Party are the Conservatives. The real enemy of ALL the parties are the Conservatives. And the Liberals are such damned weaklings that they've let the Conservatives get away with everything and they're the reason that Bill C-484 passed second reading, because they're too chickenshit to go into an election - and they're blaming the opposition parties?