Perfection can be achieved simply by cooking the criteria
We can achieve perfection all too easily simply cooking the criteria. It is a very common practice these days and signals the downfall of Western civilization as we are lying ourselves to death. Cook the criteria and Barack Obama gets the Nobel peace Prize when he leads the world’s most barbarian warmongering and lawless state. We cook the criteria with endless propaganda and Vladimir Putin becomes the new Hitler, when all he wants is Russia’s right to exist in the face of American aggression. We claim the American puppet regime in Kiev marks the arrival of democracy when it is actually neo-Nazi. We claim 9/11 was not a false flag inside job but to watch the towers fall over and over and over again we can only conclude they had a helping hand, and it follows, the war on terror is the consequent fabrication to justify endless warfare… and so it goes, on and on
The world right now is rife with neoliberal politicians willing to put profits before people, pander to endless corporate warfare, serve as bagmen for multi-national corporations and corrupt banksters, see government denigrated, and democracy undermined. They are elected by the people but retreat from real governance to be courtesans to corporate power.
Closer to home we can cook the criteria and claim Justin Trudeau would be the perfect prime minister but only as a neoliberal and never as a liberal.
It is little wonder that most Canadians want Harper deposed. He hides under the conservative brand (as a multitude of other politicians do) but he is actually a neoliberal. He warned us we would not recognize the country after he was through and he has been good to his word. Where the Chretien Liberals before him were in many aspects neoliberal, Harper is rabidly neoliberal in his contempt for government and willingness to betray the public interest- it is no coincidence the middle class is becoming extinct-it is by design.
There are few differences between Harper and Trudeau. Harper has been a very proactive neoliberal whereas Trudeau is an incipient-in-waiting. Harper is a misanthrope and Trudeau a glad-hander. Where Harper is driven by doctrinaire ideology, Trudeau is driven by adulation and momentary pragmatisms- the essence of the not so distinguished Canadian Liberal tradition.
Just as Harper ran as a conservative and turned out to be neoliberal Trudeau is likewise running as a Liberal when he is clearly neoliberal. Though they are very different personalities they are brothers at heart. Where Harperites have sharp elbows and mean spirits, a Trudeau government will appear more benign but will still perpetuate the grand neoliberal scam with a sunnier disposition but equal treachery- much like the Republicans and Democrats in the US. Both the CPC and the LPC have been well tutored by their American counterparts, both neoliberal parties. As the US devolves into a neoliberal single party state we obediently follow.
So it comes to pass, the criteria has been cooked, Canada actually has two neoliberal parties and that is two too many. Trudeau could be the perfect neoliberal prime minister-but is that what we really want?