Should Justin Trudeau have to step down for saying David Suzuki is full of sanctimonious crap"?
for AC's desire from here
i think AC's got a point.
this is seriously offensive given Suzuki's commitment to Canada and the world and his family's lived experience in Canada.
maybe because i'm from BC i'm more sensitive to slights against Suzuki, as i'm pissed anout Harper's actions towards the Suzuki institute tooo, but this is ugly and personal.
how can anyone of thoughtful caring about the environment and people say something like this?
I think that while we are navel gazing and hand-wringing the guy who doesn't give a shit what people think about him is slowly climbing in the polls.
As I understand it, he referred to Suzuki's views on climate change as "sanctimonious crap" during a private telephone conversation that Suzuki later shared. Suzuki called him a "twerp", so I'd say they're even.
I think that while we are navel gazing and hand-wringing the guy who doesn't give a shit what people think about him is slowly climbing in the polls.
Though I think this particular thread is attempting to fold the terrytrolling back against itself.
Even so, I agree that with each "Should Candidate X have to step down" thread being fed, Harper inches everr closer to his "Cameron Majority".
No Mr. Magoo, he's not even. Le Dauphin wants to PM. He is supposed to be able to at like a leader, and get along with people. This is not a break even moment. Not even close. Trudeau shows his arrogance; it'll be another Imperial Prime Minister ship, just like all LPC Prime MInisters have been Shawinigan Hankshake anyone? Or is it OK because he likes pepper on his steak?
I have been involved in campaigns in several roles including being the candidate. I never talked about the size of the effect for any particular event. I did this because I was surprised how things would bounce. I simply used to say events are either helpful or unhelpful to the campaign. This is unhelpful to Trudeau's campaign.
I don't particularly like Justin Trudeau, but if he called someone else's opinion "sanctimonious crap" in a phone call with them, and if that person then told everyone about this, I'm really not going to lose my shit.
Mr. Magoo, as Joe Biden said "this is a BFD"!
Well! It surely must be if it made you totally reverse your opinion of Trudeau. Were it not for your prior support of him I *might* think this was just a "gotcha" moment for you.
As I understand it, he referred to Suzuki's views on climate change as "sanctimonious crap" during a private telephone conversation that Suzuki later shared. Suzuki called him a "twerp", so I'd say they're even.
I'd say they are even too.
The program includes support for the Keystone XL pipeline, a rejection of the Northern Gateway pipeline and a commitment to work with the provinces to establish a cap-and-trade system.
“I said, ‘Justin, stop it, you’re just being political, you just want to make headway in Alberta,’” Suzuki says he told Trudeau. “You’re for the development of the tar sands, you’re for the Keystone pipeline, but you’re against the Northern Gateway, you’re all over the damn map!”
Suzuki went on to advise Trudeau that taking the target of a 2 degree rise in temperature seriously means 80 per cent of the oil sands has to stay in the ground. Suzuki believes stopping oil sands development will mean “no debate about pipelines or expanding railways or shipping stuff offshore—none of that comes into it.”
Suzuki says this is when the exchange turned nasty. “He said, ‘I don’t have to listen to this sanctimonious crap. I proceeded to call him a twerp.”
I suspect the "nasty" is the journalist's choice of words not Suzuki's. Tempest in a tea-pot. It's not like Mulcair is planning on shutting down the oil sands.
I have been involved in campaigns in several roles including being the candidate. I never talked about the size of the effect for any particular event. I did this because I was surprised how things would bounce. I simply used to say events are either helpful or unhelpful to the campaign. This is unhelpful to Trudeau's campaign.
Unfortunately I think there are quite a few Canadians who agree with Trudeau. I don't think it will hurt his campaign. It might even help.
As I understand it, he referred to Suzuki's views on climate change as "sanctimonious crap" during a private telephone conversation that Suzuki later shared. Suzuki called him a "twerp", so I'd say they're even.
views on climate change can't be sanctimonious only people. definition is:
'making a show of being morally superior to other people'
so Justin called Suzuki a fake as well calling his environmental actions over the decades crap. thinking about it i guess you just did too as you think "twerp" is equivalent to "sanctimonious crap"
um...don't think phoning looking for endorsement aka intro at next day's gathering and thus his environmental platform too is private now is it?
Justin is a twerp and more.
I guess I'm just not seeing the part where Saint David of Suzuki is beyond criticism. Certainly nobody has to AGREE with Justin on this, but I think it's a bit extreme to pretend he's guilty of sacrilege. During a phone call.
Well, it was neither professional nor graceful. It was a temper tantrum outburst when Justin did not get his own way. It is also a very similar comment that he gave to Peter Kent in the House of Commons. I expect a leader of a major political party and a PM hopeful to display a higher level of class and tact.
Well, it was neither professional nor graceful.
Nor public.
I'm not supporting him here, but "should he have to step down???" Really. He's clearly lost your vote; isn't that enough?
Well, it was neither professional nor graceful.Nor public.
I'm not supporting him here, but "should he have to step down???" Really. He's clearly lost your vote; isn't that enough?
Of course he shouldn't have to step down. Being a jerk does not disqualify you from being PM. Let's not engage in hyperbole.
Being a jerk does not disqualify you from being PM.
Nor from coming third. Go Justin! Visualize the Bronze!
No Mr. Magoo, he's not even. Le Dauphin wants to PM. He is supposed to be able to at like a leader, and get along with people. This is not a break even moment. Not even close. Trudeau shows his arrogance; it'll be another Imperial Prime Minister ship, just like all LPC Prime MInisters have been Shawinigan Hankshake anyone? Or is it OK because he likes pepper on his steak?
Does this indicate anything about how someone would lead?
"J'ai hâte de te voir en prison, vieille plotte"
I like David, I don't always agree with him, but I respect what he's done, not just for the enviroment, but science itself.
It was one thing for Trudeau to disagree with David, but for Trudeau to be so disrespectful and out right rude to one of the greatest Canadians is absolutely unacceptible.
I'll note that while David has had disagreements with leaders from all parties, not once did it ever become personal, no other leader insulted David enough to earn the title Twerp from David, only Trudeau is uniquely asshole enough to earn such a title from a figure who unlike Trudeau has EARNED the respect of Canadians. That doesn't mean you have to agree with David on everything, I certainly don't, but it does mean you need to treat him with respect, not insult him by calling his life's work and thoughts scantominous crap.
David is a national treasure, that doesn't make him perfect, and he's not above critism, but that should be respectful.
In the result, Thomas Mulcair was found to have slandered Yves Duhaime and held to $75,000 in general damages and $20,000 in punitive damages.
Justice André Dionne wrote, in his March 22, 2005 decision:
“The words of Mr. Mulcair went well beyond a expression of contrary views, open debate, even passionate engagement and freedom of expression in a free and democratic society.”
“The harm done to (Mr. Duhaime’s) reputation is irreparable. One can hope that this judgment will act as ointment for the injury he has suffered and will help him put it behind him.”
As for Thomas Mulcair? The National Assembly paid his legal fees and damages. For him, dues, if dues were due, had been paid.
There is a certain amount of heat lawyers and politicians have to put up with when they do their jobs. Lawyers are adept at sharp practice which often pushes the boundaries of defamation law. Politicians live and breath on that boundary on a daily basis.
Still, that boundary holds albeit often by a tether, as a reminder to us all of the loud bell of justice should we stray beyond, a bell that clang loudly on March 22, 2005.
Justin Trudeau's off script gaffes are far too commonplace, and this is a clear example of what more to expect from him if he becomes PM. Mulcair had one defamation lawsuit in a very long political career. Justin Trudeau has had many faux pas in a few short years. There is a very clear distinction to be made between the two of them. The Liberal party has a vast depth of talented people who are capable of leading the party. I have always maintained that they made a huge mistake in electing Justin as their party leader. I am not anti-Justin because he is so successful and is s threat to the NDP, rather I am embarrassed to know that he could be our PM and could make a complete fool of us on the international stage. No, he does not have to step down, but for the sake of the Liberal party, he should step aside and let someone more qualified lead the party. Also, I believe that more people would show better respect for the Liberal party if it had a higher calibre leader.
I don't think this was a gaffe at all. Suzuki often comes across as sanctimonious. Any reading of the LEAP Manifesto, for instance, would identify it's authors as people who push 'sanctimonius crap'.
Note also that while Trudeau's comment was about Suzuki's remarks, Suzuki's comment was personal. Now there's a real pro, when someone says something he doesn't like he calls them a twerp. Good argument...
I don't think this was a gaffe at all. Suzuki often comes across as sanctimonious. Any reading of the LEAP Manifesto, for instance, would identify it's authors as people who push 'sanctimonius crap'.
Note also that while Trudeau's comment was about Suzuki's remarks, Suzuki's comment was personal. Now there's a real pro, when someone says something he doesn't like he calls them a twerp. Good argument...
Oh stop with your bullshit. Don't get upset. That's not a personal remark. Get my point.
By the way, the day after the conversation between Trudeau and Suzuki, David Ware, honorary member of the the board of the Suzuki Foundation, introduced Trudeau at a gathering. Doesn't seem to me like the whole thing was taken that seriously at the time.
By the way, the day after the conversation between Trudeau and Suzuki, David Ware, honorary member of the the board of the Suzuki Foundation, introduced Trudeau at a gathering. Doesn't seem to me like the whole thing was taken that seriously at the time.
Then why then over two months later did Suzuki talk about this in an interview? He thought it was worth mentioning. I don't think you can draw any conclusion about how seriously it was taken by Suzuki because someone else made some decisions. Sheesh
I'd say Justin deserves no more than what he got which was a good dressing-down for trying the patience of venerable old Suzuki-san looking for a pat on the head and some form of an endorsement for an evironmental plank that has more holes in it than it than a slice of swiss cheese.
It's also more than fitting that Suzuki was miffed enough about JT's conciet in believing he could ever get that out of him of all people to let the public know that and exactly what was said on both sides of that exchange.
Frankly I think old Suzuki was being overly kind in merely calling Justin a "twerp", especially when the very first thing he did after being elected as the Liberals new leader was to fly out to Calgary and re-assure all the oil barons that it would strictly be "business as usual" for the tar sands if he gets elected before zipping-off to the States to stump for the Keystone Pipeline reading off the very same script that Harper had used.
He also avoided any overt critcism of Harper when quite pointedly asked about the differences between the two men and parties by a curious American media that was wondering who he was and why he had come if it was only to say exactly the same thing Harper had merely a few months before?
Now there are some things venerable old Suzuki-san says that I happen to disagree with him on, but I know that he himself is thoroughly convinced and believes in what he is saying and why he must say it and I very much respect him for that and the consistency he has always maintained about who and what he is and is always ready to stand-up and fight for.
Regrettably, I can't say the same thing about young Trudeau who neither means what he says or says what he means to give us even the slightest indication of what, if anything he can possibly be expected, much less trusted to do, in light of that.
Suzuki keeps pretty much to himself these days. Old age is creeping up on him and his wife has had serious health concerns over the past few years and he leaves the running of the Foundation for others to decide, so it's more likely than not that he didn't say anything to anyone about his short and disagreeable conversation with Trudeau until the interview he was engaged in and the context of the coversation happened to bring it to mind. He's been fighting political and economic expediency and what it's done to the environment his entire life and that was just another personal anecdote he had to add to it and how it has gone.
At first glance, I thought this thread was a typically stupid hyper-partisan effort to avoid discussing issues and engage in some free attack ads.
At second glance, I realized just how scandalous the original incident was.
How dare Suzuki compare Trudeau to Miley Cyrus??
What concrete evidence can he adduce to prove that Trudeau has ever engaged in twerping??
I think Justin has an easy win on a human rights complaint, civil defamation suit, possibly even a Criminal Code hate speech charge.
Many many thanks for this important thread. I was getting so sick and tired of all the diversionary boring "save the planet", "leave the bitumen in the ground", "no pipelines", "green whatever" latte-sipping sanctimonious crap.
And how on earth is the LEAP manifesto "sanctimonious crap"?
I could see Justin as a twerking instructor.
As I understand it, he referred to Suzuki's views on climate change as "sanctimonious crap" during a private telephone conversation that Suzuki later shared. Suzuki called him a "twerp", so I'd say they're even.
So they're both right?
It certainly reeks of bad judgment. And I wouldn't say it if I were running for election. But I would agree with Justin. Suzuki is full of sanctimonious crap and pretty much 80 percent of the environmental movement has given him a finger wag, middle figer or could shoulder at some point.
At first glance, I thought this thread was a typically stupid hyper-partisan effort to avoid discussing issues and engage in some free attack ads.
At second glance, I realized just how scandalous the original incident was.
How dare Suzuki compare Trudeau to Miley Cyrus??
What concrete evidence can he adduce to prove that Trudeau has ever engaged in twerping??
I think Justin has an easy win on a human rights complaint, civil defamation suit, possibly even a Criminal Code hate speech charge.
Many many thanks for this important thread. I was getting so sick and tired of all the diversionary boring "save the planet", "leave the bitumen in the ground", "no pipelines", "green whatever" latte-sipping sanctimonious crap.
Then why in the hell are you bothering to post in the thread. I don't remember participation in this thread being mandatory.
BTW-Twerking and twerp are not in anyway related. Miley Cyrus tweaks (verb) and Trudeau is a twerp ( noun).
I'm not sure if Miley Cyrus 'tweaks' It's possible but she definately 'twerks' (really poorly btw)
But this thread is silly in the sense of a leader having to step down over a conversation with David Suzuki.
If that were the case,Harper should be turned over to the Hague for that alone.
How dare Suzuki compare Trudeau to Miley Cyrus??
What concrete evidence can he adduce to prove that Trudeau has ever engaged in twerping??
I think Justin has an easy win on a human rights complaint, civil defamation suit, possibly even a Criminal Code hate speech charge.
In your sarcastic sneer above, you've made an error. You were referring to Miley Cyrus' "twerks", which is different from "twerp". Suzuki never said or suggested anything about how Trudeau dances.
Justin Trudeau could still try to file a suit against Suzuki for slander, but I think a claim that Suzuki made a false allegation would fail. I think Suzuki's assessment of Trudeau as a "twerp" is perfectly defensible in the circumstance that Suzuki described.
ETA: seems I cross-posted with some others who also pointed out the error.
Then why in the hell are you bothering to post in the thread. I don't remember participation in this thread being mandatory. BTW-Twerking and twerp are not in anyway related. Miley Cyrus tweaks (verb) and Trudeau is a twerp ( noun).Many many thanks for this important thread. I was getting so sick and tired of all the diversionary boring "save the planet", "leave the bitumen in the ground", "no pipelines", "green whatever" latte-sipping sanctimonious crap.
Attacking and undermining other members' posts or threads at Babble via sarcastic snipes, in this case when they open a thread condemning a leader of a major political party for allegedly being disrespectful to a revered environmental leader in Canada, is odd. Should Babblers not question or have an opinion on such alleged actions of leaders of political parties?
Then why in the hell are you bothering to post in the thread.
I thought I would shame some of the more intelligent posters into not taking this stupid thread seriously. Ok, so I failed.
I don't remember participation in this thread being mandatory.
I had something vitally important to say, so I posted. I did it out of a sense of civic duty.
BTW-Twerking and twerp are not in anyway related. Miley Cyrus tweaks (verb) and Trudeau is a twerp ( noun).
Gee, and here I thought I was just making a bad joke. Thanks for taking my bad joke seriously. Notwithstanding your "tweak" gaffe.
I see mark_alfred took me seriously also.
Is this a malady characteristic of overly long erection campaigns?
Attacking and undermining other members' posts or threads at Babble via sarcastic snipes, in this case when they open a thread condemning a leader of a major political party for allegedly being disrespectful to a revered environmental leader in Canada, is odd.
Ok, mark_alfred, let's be serious for a moment.
Some of the same "members" who freak out when a "revered environmental leader" is disrespected by Trudeau, would also freak out if the same "revered environmental leader" were to criticize Mulcair for supporting Energy East and continued oil sands development.
I actually revere Suzuki for his work on these fronts - less so Mulcair, much less so Trudeau.
But worst of all are the hypocrites, the proponents of deux poids, deux mesures.
Should Babblers not question or have an opinion on such alleged actions of leaders of political parties?
Yes they should. But hypocritical hyperpartisan attack-ad gotcha opinions should be ruthlessly exposed whenever they arise - either through bad jokes (as I tried above), or by angry condemnation (that's where I am right now).
Attacking and undermining other members' posts or threads at Babble via sarcastic snipes, in this case when they open a thread condemning a leader of a major political party for allegedly being disrespectful to a revered environmental leader in Canada, is odd.
Ok, mark_alfred, let's be serious for a moment.
Some of the same "members" who freak out when a "revered environmental leader" is disrespected by Trudeau, would also freak out if the same "revered environmental leader" were to criticize Mulcair for supporting Energy East and continued oil sands development.
I actually revere Suzuki for his work on these fronts - less so Mulcair, much less so Trudeau.
But worst of all are the hypocrites, the proponents of deux poids, deux mesures.
Should Babblers not question or have an opinion on such alleged actions of leaders of political parties?Yes they should. But hypocritical hyperpartisan attack-ad gotcha opinions should be ruthlessly exposed whenever they arise - either through bad jokes (as I tried above), or by angry condemnation (that's where I am right now).
You're too hard on us regular people who post here, I feel. But I digress.
If in this case you felt that Suzuki's claim about Trudeau was unjustified, then it would make sense for you to argue against the position of a Babbler who supported Suzuki's claim. But I believe that isn't the case here. So arguing against or undermining the position of the Babbler really doesn't make sense, does it?
Then why in the hell are you bothering to post in the thread.I thought I would shame some of the more intelligent posters into not taking this stupid thread seriously. Ok, so I failed.
I don't remember participation in this thread being mandatory.I had something vitally important to say, so I posted. I did it out of a sense of civic duty.
BTW-Twerking and twerp are not in anyway related. Miley Cyrus tweaks (verb) and Trudeau is a twerp ( noun).Gee, and here I thought I was just making a bad joke. Thanks for taking my bad joke seriously. Notwithstanding your "tweak" gaffe.
I see mark_alfred took me seriously also.
Is this a malady characteristic of overly long erection campaigns?
Who says I took it seriously? Indeed one of my posts was to comment on the hyperbole of Trudeau resigning. But hey, as Reagan once said facts are stupid things. Yes, you did have something vital to say. It's what you always have to say. It seems to be your self anointed position to point out the inconsistencies, foibles, and hyper- partisanship of people who are actively out there trying not only to stop Harper from destroying what's good about this country but also working to achieve a better future. Involvement in a cause is never clean cut without its hypocrisy, inconsistencies, and general overall messiness. But, to paraphrase Emerson, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. So please carry on the vital task of pointing out people's inconsistencies.
If in this case you felt that Suzuki's claim about Trudeau was unjustified, then it would make sense for you to argue against the position of a Babbler who supported Suzuki's claim.
I believe Suzuki's claim about Trudeau was absolutely justified.
So arguing against or undermining the position of the Babbler really doesn't make sense, does it?
The "position of the Babbler"? Seriously?
One babbler said (in another thread):
So where is the thread entitled "Should Justin Trudeau have to step down for saying David Suzuki is full of sanctimonious crap"?
And another babbler dutifully opened this thread, with that same idiotic title.
What do you think of the title of this thread? The words "stupid", "hypocritical", "hyperpartisan", and yea, even "sanctimonious", spring unbidden to my mind's eye.
Sorry for "undermining" anyone. Profoundly sorry.
No need to apologize. Alleging that someone is an NDP partisan is neither an insult nor an undermine in my books. They're the best choice in this election, I feel.
Regarding the question posted by this thread, I'll say that Justin Trudeau should not have to step down for (allegedly) saying that David Suzuki is full of sanctimonious crap. Even if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, I still feel that Justin Trudeau would not have to step down. The Liberal Party can choose whomever they want. But it does sound like Trudeau was being a bit of a twerp.
So they're both right?
What I suggested was that they're "even". That could mean:
1. They're both right
2. Justin is right, Suzuki was out of line
3. Suzuki was right, Justin was out of line
4. They're both wrong
Anyway, this whole brouhaha really looks to me like what my wife calls a "life-sized problem". Two grown men took a mild swipe at each other in a telephone conversation. Trying to make this into some kind of monumental game-changer is like when my cat puffs up her tail and thinks it makes her look huge and mean.
Cats scare me.
Don't fall for the big tail trick; it's just a regular sized tail.
But they can be a bit unpredictable. And also a bit dumb, and prone to not paying attention; most of the injuries my cat has inflicted on me have been the result of her rolling about all happily as I rub her belly with my foot, and then BAM, dewclaw to the toe. I call it "the meathook".
seriously weird.
In other news, Lewis Carrol has indicated to me that the Chicago Cubs are essentially throwing games to the Pittsburgh Pirates, to make sure that the St Louis Cardinals and the Pirates battle it out for the Division title until the end. The loser of that race gets into the wild card game as the consulation prize. The wild card 'playoff' is a single game.... meaning its important to have best pitchers rested, etc. Who is the other wild card holder? - the Chicago Cubs, who have no hope of getting a division title. So they get to save their energy.
[3 game Pirates - Cardinals head to head series begings tommorow]
seriously weird.
By normal standards or by babble standards?
...Alleging that someone is an NDP partisan is neither an insult nor an undermine in my books. They're the best choice in this election, I feel.Regarding the question posted by this thread, I'll say that Justin Trudeau should not have to step down for (allegedly) saying that David Suzuki is full of sanctimonious crap. Even if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, I still feel that Justin Trudeau would not have to step down. The Liberal Party can choose whomever they want. But it does sound like Trudeau was being a bit of a twerp.
i agree. he should step down out of a sense of pride in himself and care for other Canadians who don't deserve to be represented on the world stage by a trust funded smirking twerp who has no qualifications to be PM.
What this does indeed confirm is the Liberals are just not that interested in environmental protection and Trudeau's mouth clearly reflects it.
I would have thought this incident would get lots of comment in the MSM. But nothing in the Globe, Star (predictably) or CBC news.
Similarly, almost no mention that the Liberals are planning budget cuts.
Why should it get a lot of attention? Even if it did it would most likely result in no change or an increase in Trudeau's support.
You do know that Suzuki is also condemning the NDP?