It likely depends on how bad things turn out tonight and how many loses the NDP takes tonight, but I think we all know someone was going to start a thread like this.
Personally I'd be sad to see Tom go, I really like and respect the man and he would have made a legendary Prime Minister, and it breaks my heart that will never see that day, but I've had my heart broken in politics before and likely will again.
To stay Tom likely needs to get 25% of the national numbers and dominate Quebec, even then his staying isn't certain.
I have no regrets in supporting him fir leader, anyone else and we'd be in single digits.
So in the Event that he doesn't who do you see replacing him?
I'm thinking Alexander Boulrice, if he keeps his seat, would likely make a good leader if he can dodge the ghosts of seperatism past.
Who ever it is will have to be able to appeal in Quebec which cuts down on the rest of Canada choices. Not to zero, but it eliminates alot of choices.
Peter Julian or Nathan Cullen perhaps.
Chow will be likely to win her seat back so that might be out.