So what do you think the next Shadow Cabinat will look like?
We lost abunch of Shadow Cabinat Members, including a deputy leader.
I'd suggest a new deputy leader from Alantic Canada or TO, but we have no MPs in either location.
David Christospherson is the closest to TO so he should stay a deputy leader.
Nathan Cullen should be Deputy leader for BC, I'd like Erin Weir to replace him at finance.
Peter Julian should take Industry, Linda Duncon energy, for the enviroment Murray Rankin, Nikki Ashton deserves something other then status of women, something new, maybe labour?
Ruth Ellen Brosseau Agriculture, full not deputy. Defence is obvious Christine Moore, she's the only one I can think of with any major experience in that area left, maybe with Veteran Affairs too.
Charlie Angus has done great work on the FN file, so he'd make a good FN critic.
Healthcare, Anne Quach?
There are 15 new MPs by my count, some of them may have areas of expertise of use. Katrina Trudel was a Canada Post President, so that's a natural fit.
For now Tom should remain leader for now at least, but if he moves aside, I'm thinking critic for intergovernmental affairs.
Alexandre Bouletrice should move from the treasury to something were he can more easily build a relationship with the rest of Canada, like Hertiage, or something like that. It might seem like a demotion, but long term its a way to shore up his week points.
Status of women is sexist and transphobic and should be merged with GLBT, to form Gender and Sexuality issues or something, and should go to Botin-Sweet.
Guy Caron can take over Treasury.
Helen "the giant killer" Lavadaire will likely take Foriegn Affairs, she has experience in it and the related international cooperation (or development, I forget). If people here don't like her for that, maybe Nikki Ashton for Foriegn Affairs.
The rest I don't know.