Federal election - 2015 (Ontario)
Ontario will have 121 seats. Seems like way too many.
So the most read article on National Newswatch is:
Conservatives pull ahead of Liberals, could be on cusp of majority
Liberals mum about nomination challenge in Toronto riding
The Liberal party is refusing to disclose details of an appeal of a nomination process that has triggered allegations of ethnic profiling and vote-suppressing robocalls in a downtown Toronto riding.
The party will not discuss the grounds for the appeal launched by engineer Marisa Sterling, who sought to become the Liberal candidate in the riding of Beaches-East York but who lost to lawyer Nathaniel Erskine-Smith at a nomination meeting before Christmas.
Sterling filed her complaint with the Liberal permanent appeals committee, led by lawyer Jim Graham, seeking to have the result overturned and Sterling herself named as the successful candidate.
Although no one involved would disclose specific details of the appeal, the Citizen has learned it concerns robocalls and a letter sent by Erskine-Smith’s campaign to warn riding members about voting rules.
In November, the authenticity of some memberships were called into question when a large number of new names from the Bangladeshi and South Asian communities suddenly appeared on the riding association list of members eligible to vote.
That prompted Erskine-Smith’s campaign to send out emails and automated robocalls to party members reminding them they would be eligible to vote only if they had personally paid for their own memberships.
He also sent out an email with a similar message.
“Buying a membership for someone else is fraud, and will result in a waste of the voter’s time,” the message read. “Voters who did not buy their own membership will be stopped from voting.”
Too bad. I mean after all she has written off the NDP's chances, now she says the Cons situation looks good, so we might as well all go home and just let the Cons win, because its already a done deal, eh!
- Conservatives better off than past incumbents: Hébert
- Prime Minister Stephen Harper but he leads a united party and runs a federation whose intra-regional tensions are, in comparison to the past, at low ebb.
So the most read article on National Newswatch is:
Conservatives pull ahead of Liberals, could be on cusp of majority
This poll is old now, and it's from discredited pollster Ipsos-Reid. You know the one that predicted Tim Hudak would be Premier of Ontario last year?
I know you've been having a good time promoting the Ipsos-Reid poll, so perhaps you might want to apply to work at their firm.
Sorry Trudeau, being prime minister is not an entry level job
Globe Now: How Mulcair could beat Harper and Trudeau in 2015
So the most read article on National Newswatch is:
Conservatives pull ahead of Liberals, could be on cusp of majority
This poll is old now, and it's from discredited pollster Ipsos-Reid. You know the one that predicted Tim Hudak would be Premier of Ontario last year?
I know you've been having a good time promoting the Ipsos-Reid poll, so perhaps you might want to apply to work at their firm.
If Alan & Debater had their way we would only see Liberal joined at the hip pollsters like Forum and EKOS publishing their results. Love manipulating the voters much fellas........
If Alan & Debater had their way we would only see Liberal joined at the hip pollsters like Forum and EKOS publishing their results. Love manipulating the voters much fellas........
Explain why Ipsos/Reid is any more reliable than Forum and EKOS --- besides the fact that Ipsos shows a result you seem to be excited about.
alan, you can do the analysis yourself, but if you want to be accurate don't forget to take herding into consideration when doing the math, eh!.
The politics behind Stephen Harper's fixation on a balanced budget
Falling oil prices have sent federal revenues into a tailspin, but the PM is not for changing course
Low oil prices are bad news for Alberta and Saskatchewan, the bedrocks of federal Conservative support, but they are shaping up as good news for Ontario and B.C. where the party needs to at least hold onto the gains it made in 2011.
In Ontario, the opposition parties insist targeted, stimulus spending is needed to boost the manufacturing sector, a message that may play well in those suburban ridings around Toronto, and in regions of southwestern Ontario particularly hard hit by plant closures.
Canada is facing difficult economic challenges. The government is facing tough political choices heading into an election. And for Harper, the answers so far suggest the trained economist will trust his political instincts.
evern if a miracle happens, Ontarios economy is not improving before the next election. Harper won majority because of Liberals running to stop the NDP, and other libs like me voting for the NDP
How vulnerable are the NDP in Toronto?
I think Toronto-Danforth, Parkdale-High Park and Davenport look good, but Beaches-East York, Scarborough Southwest, York South Weston and Scarborough North (Rathika's new riding) will be dog fights. There is a bitter nomination dispute in Beaches-EY between the Liberals which will hopefully help Kellway. Meanwhile the Liberals have yet to nominate a candidate in Tor-Dan, Davenport, Scarborough SW or Scarborough N.
I have been told by a Liberal friend that they are approaching potential "star candidates" to run in high profile ridings like Layton's old riding of Tor-Dan and Minister Oliver's riding of Eglinton-Bathurst, which would be huge symbolic pick ups for the Grits.
I really hope Linda McQuaig gives another stab at Toronto-Centre. The Grits picked the former head of right-wing C.D. Howe Institute Bill Morneau to run in some of the most economically marginalized neighbourhoods in the city. Now that the northern Rosedale half of the riding has been re-distributed, McQuaig's message of combating income equality can truly resonate.
I think Linda has announced she wants to run.
Universal childcare must be a priority
This looks like a big one.
PMO taking a look at Ring of Fire plan to rival Ontario’s: Cree chief
A snowmobile rides down the main street Tuesday, December 18, 2012, on the Fort Hope First Nation, Ont. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz
The Prime Minister’s Office has expressed interest in a First Nations-led plan to build a new seaport and railroad across northern Ontario to the Ring of Fire mineral deposit, an election-year effort that would rival Premier Kathleen Wynne’s own designs for the region.
The Mushkegowuk Council and TGR Rail Company are preparing a joint purchase of the Ontario Northland rail line between North Bay and Moosonee, pending the First Nation group’s approval from its council of chiefs this week, said Mushkegowuk Council grand chief Lawrence Martin Friday.
The plan would open the door to a east-to-west rail, transmission line and telecommunications corridor to the Ring of Fire, a 5,120 square kilometre crescent of ore that could bring a $9.4 billion increase to Ontario’s GDP over the next decade if developed.
After more than a year of what Wynne has characterized as foot dragging from Ottawa on a federal-provincial plan, the PMO and Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford’s office called TRG Rail in the past three weeks expressing interest in the new plan, Martin told iPolitics.
“We’ve even had a call from the PMO office asking for information for our project,” said Martin, adding it was TGR Rail, a Toronto-based rail company, that took the call. “It’s gaining momentum, so it looks like it’s going ahead.”
TGR Rail would not comment on the corridor plan, saying only that the firm would issue a news release Monday.
The PMO also did not respond to a request to clarify their interest in the Mushkegowuk plan, while Rickford’s office was still looking into the issue at deadline.
At an Ottawa meeting in December, 2013, Wynne and Harper apparently made progress on their differences over Ring of Fire development. Progress then stalled, which Wynne used as an election issue during her re-election campaign last spring. Harper and Wynne famously did not meet again face to face until this January 5th in Toronto, after which Wynne told reporters they had discussed her request for $1 billion to develop transportation infrastructure for the Ring of Fire.
Mining companies interested in the Ring of Fire have in the past planned for a transportation corridor from the mining deposit to the rail and road networks that run along the north shore of Lake Superior.
In recent years, the Ontario government has also focused on opening the Ring of Fire with an emphasis on communities west and south of the area.
Wynne launched a development corporation and opened negotiations for a regional framework between the province and First Nations communities in the northwest of the province. Those First Nations, despite operating as individual communities, often negotiate with outside groups as the Matawa First Nations, who have hired former premier and federal Liberal Leader Bob Rae as their chief negotiator.
The Mushkegowuk, who reside further to the east and have Cree ancestry, are against the development corporation because it would dilute First Nations power in the development of the Ring of Fire, said Martin. They are lobbying the Matawa First Nations to join the east-to-west corridor plan and leave the development corporation behind, he said.
“We’re offering it as a partnership with them, “ said Martin. “It would be a business, there’d be dividends and everything would be run in that fashion.”
The Matawa First Nations’ participation in the Mushkegowuk plan would deal a serious blow to Wynne’s aims in the region.
Her development corporation, which the province launched unilaterally in the fall of 2013, is meant to be a clearinghouse for all the major economic and industrial investment that needs to happen to develop in the Ring of Fire. The mining deposit contains chromium, nickel and other ores and could increase Ontario’s GDP by $9.4 billion over the next decade, according to Ontario’s Chamber of Commerce.
Chiefs from two of the Mattawa communities closest to the Ring of Fire deposit, the Webequie First Nation and the Marten Falls First Nation, were not available to comment on their position Friday.
Martin, for his part, sees the effort as one that would give a better deal for First Nation than the plan currently on offer from Ontario.
“We’re against (the development corporation) because we only get one seat on this corporation,” said Martin. “We’d rather have a majority share in that corporation, so we’re saying how about we set up our own with Matawa and Mushkegowuk, then we’d have much more control over what goes on, how it goes on and how we can benefit even better.”
The new plan requires buying Ontario Northland, which already runs a railroad from North Bay north to the town of Moosonee on the coast of James Bay.
The Mushkegowuk would then like to invest in transmission lines and telecommunications to the seaport and the Ring of Fire, said Martin. The Mushkegowuk already own transmission lines around Moosonee in northwestern Ontario that connect to Ontario Hydro’s infrastructure through a company called Five Nations Energy Inc., he said.
Ring of Fire Deal Looming Between Feds and Mushkegowuk Council
As oil prices fall, a political challenge for budget honesty
Sad to say, but this story unfortunately reminds me of a large part of Canadian politics.
The Yorkville Swindler: how Albert Allan Rosenberg scammed his way into high society
Chantal Hébert, Naomi Klein among finalists for political writing prize
Now in its 15th year, the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize was set up in to honour MP from Windsor.
The Longer I'm Prime Minister by Paul Wells won last year
Winner gets $25,000
Smart move by Mulcair going to Sudbury to confront the "lies".
Sounds like it will be a fascinating event.
NDP’s Mulcair hopes ‘urban agenda’ speech will raise his profile in Toronto
Sadly this is what passes for mainstream press these days in Canada
Tom Mulcair enters the battle of Ontario without a single mention of niqabs
This was a deliberate bid to refocus attention on the economy, where the New Democrats believe the Conservative government is increasingly vulnerable
Official Opposition Leader announces plans to focus on transit and infrastructure needs across Canada
I have to admit, the NDP rally was huge , 10000 people showed up. Highways were blocked for hours.
NDP’s Thomas Mulcair stakes his party’s claim to the urban agenda: Hume
Opposition leader comes to town to talk cities — and Toronto, in particular.
Thomas Mulcair focuses on child care, transit in appeal to Toronto votersCampaign-style speech appeals to Toronto communities and the 905.
I have to admit, the NDP rally was huge , 10000 people showed up. Highways were blocked for hours.
About 1,000 people. Not 10,000.
Not that large by Toronto standards.
As Michael Den Tandt says, Mulcair gave a decent speech at yesterday's Toronto rally, and probably did himself some good by it. His speaking style appears to have improved and he chose to speak about "kitchen table" and "pocket book" issues. (Probably at Brad Lavigne's suggestion).
But Den Tandt concludes his column with this reality check about the NDP's chances in Ontario:
Tom Mulcair enters the battle for Ontario without mentioning niqabs or the anti-terror bill
Here’s the reality check: In every byelection round since the May 2, 2011 election, the NDP has seen its vote share plummet. Mr. Mulcair’s visibility in Ontario remains low. His plan is not costed, in a way that would reassure Ontario voters he won’t raise taxes or run up billions in new federal debt; and Justin Trudeau, with his foray on pluralism and the niqab a week ago, has effectively, yet again, seized all the Conservative-opposing oxygen in the room.
Mr. Mulcair has made a creditable start in his bid to persuade Torontonians that he’s no one-trick pony, that is to say a Quebec politician interested only in holding Quebec seats. But he’s late to the game, and will need to spend a good deal more time in Canada’s largest province than he has so far, to have a hope of catching his rivals.
1,000 attended, thanks for that - that's a lot of people for the NDP in Toronto.
Apart from its solid content, maybe that is part of the reason why the Official Opposition Leader's speech is being given such wide coverage.
Here's the Official Opposition Leader's speech in its entirety
For the record: Thomas Mulcair tries to win over Toronto
NDP leader Tom Mulcair details his urban agenda
I was being sarcastic , I think there were a couple of hundred peopleI have to admit, the NDP rally was huge , 10000 people showed up. Highways were blocked for hours.About 1,000 people. Not 10,000.
Not that large by Toronto standards.
Mulcair gonna win over Toronto like Horwath
Plus, Mulcair's speech wasnt given coverage, I checked all the major outlets.
other than Macleans I dont see major sitesThanks aj, we can see that.
So you are back from your recent suspension, but have you learned anything is the question.
As your comments are about as accurate as a couple other posters here, eh!
For the record: Thomas Mulcair tries to win over Toronto
NDP leader Tom Mulcair details his urban agenda
Thomas Mulcair focuses on child care, transit in appeal to Toronto ...Toronto Star-19 hours agoLess than a week after Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau wooed Toronto voters with a speech on civil liberties in an age of terror, ThomasMulcair ...Michael Den Tandt: Tom Mulcair enters the battle for Ontario without ...
National Post-15 hours agoMulcair sees value of Toronto: Tory
Toronto Sun-1 hour agoMulcair says he would siphon money from gas tax for GTA ...
680 News-1 hour agoMulcair Says NDP Will 'Repair Damage Stephen Harper Has Done'
Huffington Post Canada-22 hours agoNational Post
Toronto Sun
680 News
CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
InsideHalton.comExplore in depth (25 more articles)
Thanks aj, we can see that.
So you are back from your recent suspension, but have you learned anything is the question?
As your comments are about as accurate as a couple other posters here, eh!
For the record: Thomas Mulcair tries to win over Toronto
NDP leader Tom Mulcair details his urban agenda
Thomas Mulcair focuses on child care, transit in appeal to Toronto ...Toronto Star-19 hours agoLess than a week after Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau wooed Toronto voters with a speech on civil liberties in an age of terror, ThomasMulcair ...Michael Den Tandt: Tom Mulcair enters the battle for Ontario without ...
National Post-15 hours agoMulcair sees value of Toronto: Tory
Toronto Sun-1 hour agoMulcair says he would siphon money from gas tax for GTA ...
680 News-1 hour agoMulcair Says NDP Will 'Repair Damage Stephen Harper Has Done'
Huffington Post Canada-22 hours agoNational Post
Toronto Sun
680 News
CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
InsideHalton.comExplore in depth (25 more articles)
After looking at Mulcair's speech, looks like he is running for the mayor of toronto. he forgot that Toronto rejected the NDP twice-Horwath and Chow. They elected Progessive Wynne, and centrist tory.
Sure must be a big can of worms as there is a lot of baiting going on.
For the record the media is reporting that thousands of people across the country attended demonstrations. For this to happen over a bill in parliament is quite rare so there is little point minimizing this.
Certainly it means a good number of people are talking about this and that is likely to grow.
I am not speculating on the exact impact on the leader of the Liberal party except to say my guess is that Liberals are participating and concerned. Some may even be unhappy with their own party's position on this.
So how often do you get thousands of people in the streets across the country on a bill in parliament?
Tory praises Mulcair for pro-Toronto comments
Mayor John Tory and federal NDP federal leader Thomas Mulcair met at Toronto city hall Monday.
They agree on Toronto's prominence in Canada.
My hunch was that there were a lot of people out for Mulcair's speech, and now Chantal Hebert has confirmed in her column tonite that it is one of the biggest in-between-elections rally ever held by the NDP.
Good on Mulcair to be able to draw such a crowd in Toronto! In Ontario!
1,300 people - Not too shabby!
YYZ, meet Tom Mulcair
The NDP has one pitch: #TM4PM
I hadnt read the top of your comment, I couldnt log in for a day, but I thought I had messed up my password. I may have suspended. I dont make personal attacks on people, but people make them on me, anyways, they are not suspended.Thanks aj, we can see that.
So you are back from your recent suspension, but have you learned anything is the question?
As your comments are about as accurate as a couple other posters here, eh!
For the record: Thomas Mulcair tries to win over Toronto
NDP leader Tom Mulcair details his urban agenda
Thomas Mulcair focuses on child care, transit in appeal to Toronto ...Toronto Star-19 hours agoLess than a week after Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau wooed Toronto voters with a speech on civil liberties in an age of terror, ThomasMulcair ...Michael Den Tandt: Tom Mulcair enters the battle for Ontario without ...
National Post-15 hours agoMulcair sees value of Toronto: Tory
Toronto Sun-1 hour agoMulcair says he would siphon money from gas tax for GTA ...
680 News-1 hour agoMulcair Says NDP Will 'Repair Damage Stephen Harper Has Done'
Huffington Post Canada-22 hours agoNational Post
Toronto Sun
680 News
CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
InsideHalton.comExplore in depth (25 more articles)
Ontario polling numbers from 308.com. Stronger numbers than I expected in Toronto. I'm not sure if these numbers are before or after the downtown Mulcair rally.
4000 according to most media reports.
Yet another Debater deceit
4000 people at the Toronto rally? The NDP only claims there was 1300 or so people at the rally?