Crooked Ukraine: the Canadian connection - call for a public inquiry

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Crooked Ukraine: the Canadian connection - call for a public inquiry

US Tax Dollars and Ukraine's Finance Minister  -  by Robert Parry, Consortium News

"Though touted as the face of reform inside Ukraine's post-coup regime, Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko enriched herself at the expense of a US taxpayer financed investment fund - and USAID now says it's missing some of the audit receipts detailing Jaresko's dealings."

Also named in this report is LENA KOSZARNY, her long-time business partner, successor as CEO of Horizon Capital,  and KIEV REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN CONGRESS, the powerful AIPAC-style lobby largely responsible for Canada's extensive commitment and involvement in Ukraine.


Almost a billion taxpayer dollars has been given by the government of Canada to the notoriously corrupt, US-installed Nazi oligarchy of Ukraine. Presumably these dealings were with Ukraine's Finance Ministry. Do we have an accounting of those funds and exactly where they went?

Given the close relationship of UCC's Kiev Advisory Chair, Lenna Koszarny to the Harper government and the Ukraine file, there should be an inquiry into Canada's dealings with Ukraine and particularly the Finance Ministry as well as Koszarny's activities as lobbyist with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and her relationship and dealings with Minister Jaresko.




The Ukrainian Canadian Congress, submitted a list of questions to Party leaders. One of the questions was "Does your party support listing the Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic as terrorist organizations?"

Tom Mulcair's response was "We support listing the Luhansk People's Republic and the Donetsk People's Republic..."

How bizarre and outlandish, that the NDP should support  a US-installed coup regime, with all its fascism, oppression and murder, its notorious corruption and destruction of Ukraine and Ukrainians, but publicaly demonize the courageous and honourable resistance, against all odds,  as "terrorist organizations".

Given that there are now negotations ongoing under the auspices of the Minsk Accords, now a Security Council resolution, involving France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine, with the representatives of the resisting anti-coup federalists of the  DPR-LPR, history will soon paint the NDP, in the shameful colours they deserve.

Of course if there were any NDP candidates that had a clue, and chose to protest this disgusting nonsense of Mulcair,  they would  be treated similarly to those that criticize the other murdering fascist monsters with a powerful lobby here with which so many collaborate, Israel.

Of course not a word of any of this will appear in our 'free' press.

What a servile, idiotic political fiasco this country is.

Vote for them? Not a fucking chance!





Thanks for posting this, NDPP. After the pro-Maidan cheerleading of Cheri DiNovo and Peggy Nash, I thought nothing would shock me. This did.

Is it possible it was a typo? Never underestimate the incompetence and stupidity of political backroom bozos.



I note the UCC posting is dated September 29, the questionaire was directed specifically to party leaders. Given the nature of the questionnaire, the sensitivity of the topic and the power of the lobby with its more than a million Ukrainian voters, I think not.

You saw the Foreign Policy debate. There's far greater grounds never to underestimate the incompetence and stupidity of the political leaders themselves...


Here's more:

STOP the War: Canada's Military Operations Are Illegal Under Canadian Law   -  by Christopher Black

"The deployment of Canadian Forces overseas to take part in operations in Syria, Iraq, Libya UKRAINE and Yugoslavia have been and are illegal under Article 31 of the National Defence Act, yet not one of the major parties has ever raised this issue in parliament nor have any media addressed it in their coverage..."

Nearly a billion dollars of taxpayers money unaccounted for,  our troops training Neo-Nazis, of a corrupt US installed coup regime that has inflicted thousands of civilian casualties on the people of Donbass, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress lobby with its own shady and dodgy connections both to the Harper government and to Kiev regime via Koszarny-Jaresko, not to mention the US State Department and the Atlantic Council.

There needs to be a Royal Commission into all aspects of Canada's involvement in Ukraine.

Please lobby your MPs and candidates accordingly.


For more on the Ukraine-Canada corruption story, I repost this important article by veteran investigative journo John Helmer. Again no coverage or follow up by any domestic MSM.


Free Trade For the Birds - How Canada Forces Ukraine to Repay $400 Million in Loans  -  by John Helmer


"...Chrystia Freeland, a Ukrainian now sitting in the Canadian parliament said:

'Great 2 see my friend @Yatsenyuk - AP in Ott today. His gov's reforms are essential 4#Ukraine & democracy worldwide!'

Freeland was an editorial writer for Boris Yeltsin when she worked for the Financial Times' Moscow bureau between 1995 and 1998.


Ukrainian vodka exports to Canada do not register in the official statistics compared to larger-value shipments of Canadian ice-wine to Ukraine. However, the new pact is likely to lift the earnings for two Canadians - JOHN VELLINGA, whose MULTICULTURE BEVCO INC. ships west Ukrainian vodka and beer to Canada,


That's an entity previously controlled by the Ukrianian-American Natalie Jaresko, now Minister of Finance in Kiev. For their story click. For promotion of the Vellinga-Koszarny liquor, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has called for a nationwide boycott of Russian vodka..."


Harper and his crew it seems are intent on destroying any socially responsible entity or thought in Canada in paving the way for pure crony capitalism to take over. Handing over a billion dollars, which first had to be borrowed at compounding interest in order to be give away without it appears any over sight or strings attached is gross negligence but in tune with the corporate agenda which is literally stealing trillions of dollars from the wealthier nations from out the back door of government institutions; eg: over 8 trillion from the Pentagon since 2001. How much was it again that Judy Sgro could not account for? I wonder how many other departments have similar unaccounted for misplaced moneies? The fact that Ukraine is acknowledged as one of the most corrupt nations on the planet and engaged in an ethnic cleansing war by its ruling Nazi junta does not bode well for the democratic process back home if Harper and crew support this kind of arrangement elsewhere. We all know Canada is to some extent a vassal state of the western power elites topped by the financial and banking oligarchy, but under Harper and his crew Canada and all its resources are being dedicated to the advancement of a crony monopolistic corporate fascism seeking world hegemony at the expense of the great masses of all the working classes and the poor world wide. A billion dollars backed by the Canadian taxpayer sent to a Nazi junta supported by the globalist elites to wage war on the Russian ethnic population of the Donbass because they rejected the Nazi junta that took power in an American corporate backed coup d'etat. This on a less overt stage is the same strategy being pursued at home incrementally against the Canadian people by the internationalist corporate 1% aided and abetted by any traitorous Canadian politician pledging Canadian support for the murderous thugs set up to wage war against Russia under the Wolfowitz Doctrine and the Washiungton Consensus as the ultimate agenda.

swallow swallow's picture

Thanks NDPP, the link makes for interesting reading in all parties' replies.

The NDP response was that it supported listing the "people's republics" as "terrorist organizations" but opposed listing Russia as a state sponsor. I'm not sure how The Ukrainian CC (which is also trying to steal the United Church of Cnaada's acronym) justifies its claim that anyone involved is "terrorist." That strips the term of meaning, or defines terrorist as "people we do not like." The NDP also did not call for more arms shipments to Ukraine. 

The Conservatives ansd Liberals dodged the question on terrorist listing and did not give an answer. 

And, oddly, all three parties had party bureaucrats, rather than elected MPs, answer the questionnaire. I wonder why that is? 



@ swallow

Might be because the question was asked in the context of the downing of a commercial jet.

And steal an acronym? Love to hear the conspiracy behind that.

How about Upper Canada College? It's about 100 years older than both the other organizations.


So we now have the NDP answering questions premised on conspiracy theories?  Its like asking whether or not you support listing the German Communist party as a terrorist organization because it bombed the Reighstad. Or whether the Taliban should be attacked because of the World Trade Centre bombing.  Its a very old play book but apparently it never gets old.



I promise you that unlike this right wing backwater of reaction, there will be lots of international left groups that will be quite alarmed to hear that the leader of the NDP, still a member of the Socialist International,  is calling DPR-LPR 'terrorist organizations' and has already pronounced upon the MH17 matter. The same bunch that voted unamimously to destroy Libya.

Clearly the answers given are not based on any kind of due diligence, but solely on the power of the Ukronazi lobby and its connection in turn to NATO/CIA and US State Department: Here is where the positions and words of Canadian politicians emanate from:

The NDP leadership is weak and stupid and doesn't do its homework. It made no attempt to do anything but follow the NATO/Ukro-nationalist position and now finds itself in bed with Nazis and oligarchs oppressing and bankrupting the country worse than it has ever been, for a 'great-game' gamble by neo-con adventurers in the US State Department and their Ukro allies like Grod, Koszarny, Jaresko et al.

This is what a real social democratic opposition should sound like on this - instead what we get is a pale imitation of Stephen Harper, and probably the loss of any possibility of defeating him as a result.

Jeremy Corbyn on Russia & Ukraine

Congratulations New Democrats, here's what you're supporting and our troops are 'training' to wreak even more havoc..




And the Ukrainian Nationalist Lobby Wants Even More:

'Vote For Candidates Who Pledge to Arm Ukraine' - Dr Taras Kuzio, Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies, U of A


Why a Liberal Government Would Be a Better Supporter of Ukraine than Another Harper Govt: Chrystia Freeland


Replace Ukrainian Judges With Ukrainian-Canadian Judges, Chrystia Freeland

"I really believe this is the best government that Ukraine has had in its entire history."


New York Protesters Denounce War Criminal Poroshenko

"Signs and leaflets laid out the charges against Poroshenko, his responsibility for more than 7,000 deaths in the war against the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics;

forcing 1.3 million people to become refugees; jailing journalists and political opponents, banning communist ideology while celebrating fascist collaborators;

violations of the Minsk 2 agreement, including shelling and terror attacks aimed at hospitals, schools and other civilians targets; and acting as the agent of Wall Street and Washington to impose austerity and NATO expansion.

'We're inspired by the courage and sacrifice of the people of Donbass and Ukrainian anti-fascists who continue fighting for liberation. We will continue to stand with them against the Kiev junta and US imperialism'..."

swallow swallow's picture

NDPP wrote:

I promise you that unlike this right wing backwater of reaction, there will be lots of international left groups that will be quite alarmed to hear that the leader of the NDP, still a member of the Socialist International,  is calling DPR-LPR 'terrorist organizations' 

Did someone defend that labelling? 

Mr. Magoo

Oh my.  Does this call for rununciations, or repudiations?

It's a shame though.  Just when all the "real" left were about to bless the NDP with their praise and support.


World Bank Sharply Downgrades Ukraine's GDP Forecast

"Ukraine's economy will contract 12 percent in 2015, according to the World Bank. This is an acute drop from similar estimates in April, when the Ukranian GDP was projected to fall 7.5 percent.

Inflation's going to hit 23.4 percent in 2016, considering a hike in property taxes and expectations from business, said World Bank economist in Ukraine, Anastasia Golovich.

Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Vladyslav Rashkovan said in September that in 2015 inflation would be 44-46 percent."


Yatsenyuk: 'Ruling the Poor is Easy'

"Budget 2016 will be tailored according to the requirements of the IMF. Meanwhile, no improvement is expected in the country. After a draconian increase in tariffs for public utilities, the number of indigent in Ukraine grew 11 times. Today minimal salary is not enough even for food..."


Ukraine Moves Tanks and Missiles to Front Line

"Ukrainian forces deployed T-64 tanks and multiple Grad rocket launchers to 10 km from the front line of contact..."


Unbowed: Donbass Under Fire (documentary)

A documentary on what Tom Mulcair called "terrorist republics"


How 'Terrorist Republics' coped with Western supported Attacks on Civilians


Documents Confirm Recognition of DPR/LPR

"International recognition of the DPR and LPR has taken place."


Mr. Magoo wrote:

Oh my.  Does this call for rununciations, or repudiations?

It's a shame though.  Just when all the "real" left were about to bless the NDP with their praise and support.

Or remunerations?

And yeah, I was so sure it was going to happen for real this time.

Maybe the psychic sidekicks are right. I'm already reading weeping and wailing on FB about how Mulcair screwed it up and lost the election (Past tense, of course). I wonder how much of it was from people who were actually planning to vote for his party.

swallow swallow's picture

It seems to call for a rapid hailstorm of links. Take that, cespool of reaction! 

Mr. Magoo

I wonder how much of it was from people who were actually planning to vote for his party.

Like vegans with the courage to boycott Oscar Meyer Wieners.


EU For U: Shattered Dreams

With the corrupt West-backed oligarchy stealing, swindling and war-profiteering off anything that isn't nailed down, many unemployed Ukrainians look for work outside. Over a million have moved to Russia. Many try to find work across the border in Poland. This documentary is a story of some of them.


Why Has Canada Loaned Ukraine Nearly $1B And What Are We Really Doing in Ukraine?


 Parasites In The Body Economic: The Disasters of Neoliberalism  - by Prof Michael Hudson

"...You now have the IMF, European Central Bank and Washington Consensus taking over whole countries like Ukraine. The tactic is to purposely lend them the money that clearly cannot be repaid, and say, 'Oh you cannot pay? Well we're not going to take a loss. We have a solution.'

The solution is to sell off public enterprises, land and natural resources. Debt leverage is thus the way to achieve what it took armies to win in times past. Same thing in Ukraine. It has just been smashed economically, and the US says, 'No Ukrainians or Russians can buy into the Ukrainian assets to be sold off. Only George Soros and his fellow Americans can buy into this.

This shows that the neoliberalism of free markets, of 'let everybody pay the highest price',' is only patter-talk. If the winner in the rigged market is not the US, it sends in ISIS or Al Qaeda and the assassination teams, or backs the neo-Nazis as in Ukraine.

When Christine Lagarde made the IMF's last Ukrainian loan, she said that she hoped its economy would stabilize instead of fighting more war in its eastern export region. The next day, President Poroshenko said that now that it had got the loan, it could go to war against the Donbass, the Russian speaking region.

Some 1.5 B of the IMF loan was given to banks run by Kolomoisky, [Ukrainian-Israeli dual citizen] one of the kleptocrats who fields his own army. His bank sent the IMF's gift abroad to his own foreign banks, using his Ukrainian money to pay his own army, allied with Ukraine nationalists flying the old Nazi-SS insignia against the Russian speakers. So in effect, the IMF is serving as an arm of the US military and State Department, just as the World Bank has long been.

Russia had made much of its military hardware in Ukraine, including its liftoff engines for satellites. The West doesn't want that to continue. What it wants for its own investors is Ukraine's land, the gas rights in the Black Sea, electric and other public utilities, because these are the major tollbooths to extract economic rent from the economy.

Basically, US/NATO strategists want to make sure, by destroying Ukraine's eastern export industry, that Ukraine will be chronically bankrupt and will have to settle its balance of payments deficit by selling off its private domain to American, German, [Canadian] and other foreign buyers.

That's Monsanto, and that's Hunter Biden on the Burisma board (LNG company). It's like you said earlier, you wouldn't believe it if someone made it up.

It's so transparent what they're doing in Ukraine..."



'Banderovtsy' Canada: 'The most Ukrainian Country Outside Ukraine' - Petro Poroshenko, oligarch, billionaire, US puppet-president


Ukraine Crisis A Key Issue in Canada's Election

"...Canada's Ukrainians today number 1.3 million, or almost four percent of the population. It is one of the largest groups of diaspora Ukrainians anywhere, and they represent a considerable voting bloc which could tilt the results in a dozen tight electoral races in Canada.

This round the Liberals and New Democrats realize the importance of this key group and also set out to woo them. - All For Ukraine..."


Ukrainian Canadians And 2015 Federal Elections

"For Ukrainian Canadians, more then ever, the 2015 Federal Elections are about the parties' position on the Russian aggression in Ukraine and issues relating to assistance from the West and Canada in particular. Weapons for Ukraine is currently among the main requirements on the part of the Ukrainian Canadian community to the Canadian parties.

To that, we can only add that it is time for all Canadian parties and candidates to approach the Ukrainian issue from a general moral standpoint, regardless of the number of Ukrainian Canadian voters in each particular riding.

That moral standpoint dictates large-scale military, financial, humanitarian and political support for Ukraine, as a country which has already paid a very dear human and economic price while defending the whole civilized world from Russian imperialism and aggression."


All of Canada's Politicians Support This Government Whole-heartedly!

Ukronazi Regime in Kiev Collaborates With Daesh (aka ISIS)

"I guarantee you that after such a declaration not a single politician in the EU could continue his career. 100%. No one but Anton Gerashchenko..."


ISA Munayev's War

ISIS Fighters in Ukraine. Will our CF 'trainers' instruct them too?


Paul Grod, President Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Vice President World Ukrainian Congress


Candidates Answer Questions From [UCC] Ukrainian Canadians


Canadian Political Candidates on Ukraine

In intervals from 4:00 to 20:00


End Game in Ukraine: Russia Wins

"We told you this would happen...If the international aspect of the Ukrainian crisis is drawing to a close, the internal crisis has barely begun..."

Once again, as per #22 youtube vid above, the idiotic, servile imperialists of the Canadian political class, that brought us the shame and mis-leadership on Libya, Syria, Palestine continue their losing streak with Ukraine.

 Once again, our foreign policy only helped people kill and die, while oligarchs robbed the country blind, with the help of Nazis and NATO.  'Progressives' 'hold their noses' against the bad smells, while they vote for another group of hustlers and idiots led by another silencer of truth and freedom. One who calls an impossibly courageous resistance 'terrorists', after ignoring their cruel and vicious civilian deaths by bomb and shell. Slava Ukraini! they have learned to say from the Nazis they support. Everything they told you about why we were in Ukraine was a lie, not even a very convincing lie. But most bought it anyway. Let us hope that they at least get the government they deserve.

"I really believe that this is the best government that Ukraine has had in its entire history." Chrystia Freeland MP

(there was no response from the opposing NDP candidate because her party thinks exactly the same)


The 2015 Canadian Federal Election: Whom To Vote For

"...Therefore keeping in mind all the above-mentioned facts, Ukrainian Canadian voters should support the return to power of the government headed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his team, in the federal election that will take place on 19 October 2015.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the following sitting MPs, including the members of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group, deserve to be re-elected to the Canadian Parliament:

Minister Jason Kenney, Minister Rob Nicholson, Minister Ed Fast, Minister Erin O'Toole, Minister Chris Alexander, MP James Bezan, MP Ted Opitz, MP Bernard Trottier, MP Bob Dechert, MP Peggy Nash, MP Chrystia Freeland, MP Wladyslaw Lizon, MP Colin Carrie, MP Lawrence Toet, MP Kevin Lamoureux, MP Linda Duncan, MP Mark Waraway, MP Robert Sopuck, MP Stella Ambler, MP Blaine Calkins, MP David Christopherson, MP Chungsen Leung, MP Ed Holder, MP Bruce Hyer, MP Pierre Lemieux, MP Judy Sgro, MP Scott Simms, MP Dave Vankesteren, MP Mike Wallace."


Address To Candidates in the 2015 Canada Federal Election: Russian Congress of Canada

"...We feel that there is currently a unique situation in Canada, where a small but vocal minority of Ukrainian nationalists representing the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has been allowed to dictate Canadian foreign policy..."

Mr. Magoo

Sounds like everyone lost last night.  Putin too.


UCC Congratulates PM-Designate Justin Trudeau and Welcomes 10 Ukrainian Canadians Elected To Parliament

UCC President Paul Grod:

'We were pleased to have the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister-designate Trudeau last week. Mr Trudeau made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that Ukraine will remain a top foreign policy priority for a Liberal government under his leadership.

Mr Trudeau's strong statements in support of Ukraine and opposition to Russia's aggression leave no doubt that his government will strongly support Ukraine.

I look forward to working with Mr Trudeau and his government."


UCC 2015 Candidate Questionnaires:

Borys Wrzesmewskyj, Liberal MP

Chrystia Freeland, Liberal MP


Justin Trudeau Says He Would Tell Vladimir Putin 'To His Face' If He Becomes PM

"Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says he would tell off Russian President Vladimir Putin 'directly to his face' if he becomes prime minister. Trudeau accuses Putin of being 'dangerous' in eastern Europe, 'irresponsible and harmful' in the Middle East and 'unduly provocative' in the Arctic.

Canada needs to continue to stand strongly with the international community pushing back against the bully that is Vladimir Putin.."


VIDEO: P&P: 'Pressuring Putin'

Chrystia Freeland MP Lib, Ted Opitz MP CON, Paul Dewar, MP NDP


The same Ukro-Nazi official that was here in the spring looking for guns and money from Canada, Andriy Parubiy, is now visiting Britain looking for the same:

UK Gets Set To Welcome Ukraine Neo-Nazi (Andrey Parubiy)  -  by Graham Philips

"One of the original founders of the Social National Party of Ukraine and Ukraine's chief 'anti-terrorist'


When Parubiy visited Canada:

Ukraine's Deputy Speaker Concludes Visit to Canada

"Andriy Parubiy brought with him a true spirit of the new generation of politicians in Ukraine, free of corruption and dictatorship, with a European democratic tradition.' said Mr Marc Shwec, Chair of Euromaidan Canada."

and despite his butcheries alleged, Ottawa thought he was a helluva guy..


In the City: Ukrainian Deputy Speaker Hosted on the Hill (and photos)

"House Speaker Andrew Scheer hosted a small reception for Ukrainian Deputy Speaker Andriy Parubiy at the Speakers salon, Monday evening. Parubiy reminded guests of the situation in Ukraine and requested the Canadian government's assistance in arming the country against Russia-backed rebels."

Trudeau may give them that...


Facts and Libel in the International Campaign vs Valentina Lisitsa - Analysis

"...The apparent pact between the US, Canada and Ukraine, - giving tacit cover to Nazi activities in Ukraine is well documented."



Hey Canuklheads! Aren't You Glad you Gave So Generously?

As Ukraine Gets Poorer - President's Wealth Grows

"The value of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's assets soared despite economic crisis and conflict in Ukraine. The 50-year-old Western-backed president's business empire ranges from chocolates to media holdings that still remain under his control..."

'Canada is the country most like Ukraine.' - Poroshenko


"I really believe that this is the best government that Ukraine has had in its entire history."  Chrystia Freeland MP (Lib)


Canadian-led NATO Exercise With More Than 36,000 Soldiers a 'Dramatic Show of Force' Aimed at Putin

"Western governments and military strategists are gravely concerned about Russia's adventurism and bellicosity on NATO's eastern flank. 'I hope Russia is watching this exercise,' said Lt Gen Ben Hodges, commanding general of the US Army in Europe.

'Ukraine is the place of most importance to Russia..."


Chrystia Freeland Demoted in New Canadian Cabinet - She and the Ukraine Lobby Hit By Siklebaum Disease  -  by John Helmer

"No one holds Chrystia Freeland in higher esteem than she does..."


How Ukraine's Finance Chief Got Rich   -   by Robert Parry

"Ukraine's Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko collected at least $1.77 million in bonuses from a US-taxpayer funded investment project that she ran even as it was losing money, a sign that her image as a paragon of self-interest 'reform' may not be all that it's cracked up to be, reports Robert Parry.

"So the scale of how much Jaresko was making from her association with WNISEF was unclear until last week when the IRS released WNISEF's 2013 tax filing of August 11, 2015 in response to a request from Though the filing still did not disclose all of Jaresko's WNISEF-related compensation, it did list her $1.77 million share of the $4.5 million in bonuses awarded to her and her two other WNISEF officers, Iwashko and KOSZARNY.*"

Lenna Koszarny is also the Kiev representative of the UKRAINIAN CANADIAN CONGRESS. Too bad the Canadian people are stupid and politically asleep or something might be done to investigate the whereabouts of almost $1 B Canada has given to Ukraine and crooks like these.


President Poroshenko First World Leader to Congratulate PM Trudeau After Swearing-In

"...President Petro Poroshenko noted the fact that two Ukrainians had been appointed to the new Canadian government - Chrystia Freeland and MaryAnn Mihychuk. He also thanked the Prime Minister of Canada for constantly supporting Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian aggressor.

Justin Trudeau assured Canada would further help Ukraine in the protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity..."

What sovereignty does either of these US proxy-puppets really have?


'Volyn': New Polish Blockbuster About Ukraine Nazis A PR Disaster For Kiev

"When the Red Army finally ran these Nazis out of Ukraine the hardest core emigrated to the UK, US and most of all Canada..."


Memory and Politics


Canada Offers Ukraine More Military Support Amid Conflict With Russia

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated that Canada will provide more support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, after the countries' leaders met on the sidelines of the global climate conference in Paris.

"Trudeau and [longtime US State Dept 'asset' and billionaire oligarch] President Petro Poroshenko held a closed door bilateral meeting on Sunday, CBC News reported..."

Hey Canucklheads! More of your money to Kiev's Nazi oligarchy from JT to kill eastern villagers and provoke  Russia. Aren't you glad harpo's gone and everything's different?


What's Next For Canada and Russia?  - by Michael J Carley

"In one of his first statements as a minister, Dion said Canada wishes to re-engage with Iran and Russia, but the statement was couched in strong reservations, and in the case of Russia, with additional statements of support for the Ukraine made in parliament by the newly elected Prime Minister.

It is hard to imagine how any country which fought against Nazi Germany during WWII can now support the government in Kiev. It is called many names: nationalist, excitable, impetuous, anti-Russian, far-right, neo-Nazi, but really it is an emerging fascist dictatorship with atavistic trappings from Nazi Germany.

In fact, the Ukrainian coup d'etat carries the brand 'Made in the USA.' It was financed, brokered and directed by the United States and its EU vassals. The objective was to turn Ukraine into the buckle of NATO encirclement of Russia. The operation was intended to be quick and dirty, it proved to be only dirty.

The unrepentent United States [Canada,] and EU refuse to take any responsibility for what they have done, and blame everything on Russia - always a convenient scapegoat for troubled times in the Russophobic west. Is Canada going to continue to support what is essentially a violent fascist regime by claiming it is a victim of 'Russian aggression?'

The Canadian armed forces fought against the Axis in WWII and shed blood to free Europe from fascism. Are we going to kick sand on the tombs of our dead and in the faces of our surviving vets by supporting fascism in the Ukraine? Is it really necessary to remind people that the Kiev junta celebrates past collaborations with Nazi Germany and has made an infamous Nazi collaborator into a national hero?


Nationalism and Fascism in Ukraine: A National Overview

"Since 1943, the UPA has worked on the myth of the 'democratic freedom fighter' to make itself acceptable as an ally of American imperialism for democracy, against both the Nazis and the communists. Many academics have covered up Western collaboration with Ukrainian fascism."

Canada continues the tradition, alas with the participation of 'progressives'.


Why Canucklheads Can't Tell A US Regime Change Operation of Nazis and Oligarchs from a "Democratic Revolution of Dignity'

National Post Editor Pushes Russia Invasion of Ukraine Conspiracy  -  by Roger Annis

"Readers of Western mainstream media might wonder why its reporting of the crisis in Ukraine is so spotty and why it is so profoundly skewed and biased. The answer lies in the predudices and pre-determined scripts of its editors and writers..."



Chrystia F sends a little Liberal love to Friends...


Ukraine's Corruption At A Crossroads

"The scale and scope of official corruption in Ukraine only seems to have increased under the Poroshenko government. According to Transparency International, Ukraine is now the most corrupt country in Europe..."

Chrystia Freeland is wrong/lying. #29


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Reaches Out to Trudeau Government

"...Speaking during a wide-ranging annual foreign affairs news conference in Moscow, Lavrov said Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trudeau met on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in November in Turkey and 'both expressed desire to normalize relations.' After that meeting, Trudeau said tgo reporters he had told Putin that Russia's interference in Ukraine must cease..."

There appears to be  some discrepancy between Trudeau's stated intention at the time to 'tell Putin off to his face' and Russian accounts of what actually occurred during the Trudeau-Putin 'meeting'.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and its champions inside and outside the government, as well as Washington, will not permit normalization of relations with Russia, no matter how necessary, sensible and consistent with Canadian national interests.

I predict Trudeau will stay the stupid course.


NDPP wrote:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Reaches Out to Trudeau Government

"...Speaking during a wide-ranging annual foreign affairs news conference in Moscow, Lavrov said Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trudeau met on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in November in Turkey and 'both expressed desire to normalize relations.' After that meeting, Trudeau said tgo reporters he had told Putin that Russia's interference in Ukraine must cease..."

There appears to be  some discrepancy between Trudeau's stated intention at the time to 'tell Putin off to his face' and Russian accounts of what actually occurred during the Trudeau-Putin 'meeting'.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and its champions inside and outside the government, as well as Washington, will not permit normalization of relations with Russia, no matter how necessary, sensible and consistent with Canadian national interests.

I predict Trudeau will stay the stupid course.

My guess is that Trudeau is talking about cooperation with Russia but letting Putin know that it's impossible to act responsibly and bring Canada onside with Russia. Think of the implications involved in being seen as double-crossing Nato and the US agenda.

This is similar to the way that Obama acted to defuse the US's PNAC plans for war with Syria and Iran. Obama will never be given credit for it but it's as plain as the nose on your face that it was accomplished. 

I believe that Trudeau is closer to Obama than is so far apparent in his will to do what's right, even though it may verge on being seen as traitorous to his country. 


monty1 wrote:

My guess is that Trudeau is talking about cooperation with Russia but letting Putin know that it's impossible to act responsibly and bring Canada onside with Russia. Think of the implications involved in being seen as double-crossing Nato and the US agenda.

My guess is that pigs can fly. Your fawning over Trudeau the Lesser is quite bile inducing.



kropotkin1951 wrote:

monty1 wrote:

My guess is that Trudeau is talking about cooperation with Russia but letting Putin know that it's impossible to act responsibly and bring Canada onside with Russia. Think of the implications involved in being seen as double-crossing Nato and the US agenda.

My guess is that pigs can fly. Your fawning over Trudeau the Lesser is quite bile inducing.


The nature of this sort of work behind the scenes by a country's leader is not going to make the evening papers. It will most likely always be kept discrete. As with Obama's work that yielded such good outcomes for Syria and Iran, anything positive in Canada's stance with Ukraine will be subtle and behind the scenes. And the very fact that Trudeau even talks to Putin must already be ringing the alarm bells amongst the Conservative hawks. It shoudl earn him a few 'good hair' comments or something like ' a boy talking to the world's biggest tyrant' or, you get it. Scare tactics. 

Shall we look for some already? 


monty1 wrote:

The nature of this sort of work behind the scenes by a country's leader is not going to make the evening papers. It will most likely always be kept discrete. As with Obama's work that yielded such good outcomes for Syria and Iran, anything positive in Canada's stance with Ukraine will be subtle and behind the scenes.

This is so perverse I am gob smacked. This is what Obama has done for the people of Syria.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

monty1 wrote:

The nature of this sort of work behind the scenes by a country's leader is not going to make the evening papers. It will most likely always be kept discrete. As with Obama's work that yielded such good outcomes for Syria and Iran, anything positive in Canada's stance with Ukraine will be subtle and behind the scenes.

This is so perverse I am gob smacked. This is what Obama has done for the people of Syria.

I didn't think it was necessary to explain it to you any more than I did. But I see you don't get it yet and so I will. What the US did to Iraq is what they wanted to do to Syria. ISIS and other US backed terrorists have caused huge destruction to Syria and driven out millions of it's people. It's a mess and you didn't need pictures to prove that to me. But it's not torn to pieces and there hasn't been nearly a million slaughtered as was the case with Iraq at the hands of the US. Obama prevented that from happening by signing on to Putin's initiative of ridding Syria of it's chem/bio weapons.

Would you like a grown up conversation on the facts?

How do you think it came down? Did Putin snooker Obama into signing on with the fulfillment of his 'red line' demands? Or, did Putin or Obama work in concert right from the beginning? Or, do you have another valid explanation of how it came about? 

As for Iran, lets just work on you being able to understand Syria for now.


monty1 wrote:

kropotkin1951 wrote:

monty1 wrote:

The nature of this sort of work behind the scenes by a country's leader is not going to make the evening papers. It will most likely always be kept discrete. As with Obama's work that yielded such good outcomes for Syria and Iran, anything positive in Canada's stance with Ukraine will be subtle and behind the scenes.

This is so perverse I am gob smacked. This is what Obama has done for the people of Syria.

I didn't think it was necessary to explain it to you any more than I did. But I see you don't get it yet and so I will. What the US did to Iraq is what they wanted to do to Syria. ISIS and other US backed terrorists have caused huge destruction to Syria and driven out millions of it's people. It's a mess and you didn't need pictures to prove that to me. But it's not torn to pieces and there hasn't been nearly a million slaughtered as was the case with Iraq at the hands of the US. Obama prevented that from happening by signing on to Putin's initiative of ridding Syria of it's chem/bio weapons.

Would you like a grown up conversation on the facts?

How do you think it came down? Did Putin snooker Obama into signing on with the fulfillment of his 'red line' demands? Or, did Putin or Obama work in concert right from the beginning? Or, do you have another valid explanation of how it came about? 

As for Iran, lets just work on you being able to understand Syria for now.


And so kropotkin, cat got your tongue? 


monty1 wrote:

And so kropotkin, cat got your tongue? 

Are you online all day long? Sorry but I actually do other things from time to time.

I understood what you said and find it a ridicuous, apologist point of view. If a person murders 100 people then anyone who only murders 50 is good in comparison. I am getting really tired of your pretending to be against war and then telling me that wars that haven't completely destroyed a country are in fact not that bad. More so we should praise the author of that destruction for their restraint. You are either extremely confused about what being anti-war means or you are just having a good time trolling in this new ocean.



kropotkin1951 wrote:

monty1 wrote:

And so kropotkin, cat got your tongue? 

Are you online all day long? Sorry but I actually do other things from time to time.

I understood what you said and find it a ridicuous, apologist point of view. If a person murders 100 people then anyone who only murders 50 is good in comparison. I am getting really tired of your pretending to be against war and then telling me that wars that haven't completely destroyed a country are in fact not that bad. More so we should praise the author of that destruction for their restraint. You are either extremely confused about what being anti-war means or you are just having a good time trolling in this new ocean.


That's not the right answer kropotkin. If you want to respin it and make it look like I support war because I say your pictures don't represent anything near what the US did to Iraq, then you go ahead.

We are living in a situation in which all out US led war was prevente in Syria. And now it's become impossible because Russia is there. So I'll ask you to refer back to my questions again and try to choose what suits you or add another that is plausible. or just RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY.

And as for Iran, well you know yourself how the US has been denied by the nuclear deal. And you of all people will know how the rabid right warmongers in the US are all gnashing their teeth over the deal and telling us how they will destroy that deal after Obama. 


You are a Liberal apologist who probably thought Obama deserved his Nobel Peace prize. There are no equivalency arguments for people who are actual anti-war activists. You make equivalency arguments, ergo you are not anti-war.
