Canada's Covid senior care home crisis even prompted Lancet, a British medical journal that is ranked as one of the best in the world, to comment on the problem. The article sees the problem as involving the exclusion of these homes from Medicare, a lack of oversight, and the presence of the private sector as being a major factor in the death toll from Covid.
Long term care homes should be under Medicare. So should pharmaceuticals, dental care, optometry, and, home care.
laine lowe wrote
I totally agree JKR. Univeral healthcare should cover all aspects from cradle to grave.
The new Angus Reid poll ( showing that three out of five Canadians want private LTC phased out, 72% want more invested in LTC, want more homecare and greater enforcement of standards, while only 1% want no change, shows that this could be an important driver in pushing voters towards having LTC under Medicare if some party seizes on the issue.