Historical reparations flyer design-Anglican

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Historical reparations flyer design-Anglican

Anyone have suggestions for do & don'ts in a flyer designed for outreach and counseling referral?

It's not an easy thing to invite people to discuss unhappy historical topics with strangers. And advertising $ compensation doesn't feel right.(even when it's available)

I think having a small text by-line describing the source of the funding would be sufficient to attract  those most impacted.

I feel there shouldn't be any expectation on those contacting us to describe any particular facet of their life other than what that they want to talk about in the moment.

I would be very happy in regards to someone discussing mudane topics such as their favourite place to fish or a heartfelt religious fable. I have no intention of asking who, when or what, and searching for the truth.

Faith is enough for this endeavor.


..heads up. there is no link.


What kind of counseling referral are you specifically speaking about?


No idea what you are trying to put together, but from the publishing side of it I would highly recommend you get a few people (preferably with editing or proofing experience) to go through it. But also just people who can read it cold and tell you what makes sense and what might not.

If you know anyone with graphic design experience who can give you a few pointers even better. I am assuming there is nothing in there that you might want to run past a lawyer.


I'm helping a friend who hasn't had much luck with contacting/being contacted by people to benefit from funding released by the Diocese.

Funding that can be used in a variety of healing initiatives including counseling, family tuition, and probably anything under the sun.

I don't have anything in the way of specifics. I'm still trying to frame the flyer in a way that doesn't use Voldemort's name. It is a local effort for here in BC.