Happy Easter everybody! :)
Easter Greetings 2012Happy Easter everybody! :)
Same to you. Terrible weather here, so our Easter service today has been postponed to next Sunday. Not all the roads have been cleared of snow yet, so the only way for a lot of us to get around is on skiddoo, and with the rain and strong wind (90km/h) today, no one would risk going out. As for me, my hands are too badly crippled to wrestle a skiddoo through the wind and rain.
Coffee with Jesus: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/535362_415169991843883_1244289989_n.jpg
(too big for this frame)
Happy Easter to you too, Aristotleded and Boom Boom. :) I don't generally "do" Easter anymore, but if I'm with family, I'll join in the secular celebration (not the church stuff). Today we spent time with rr's family. There was a fun Easter egg hunt with a bunch of kids and then a nice, relaxing day afterwards. Low key lasagna supper in the evening.
Sorry your service was cancelled, Boom Boom. That must have been a bit disappointing. Easter was always a lovely service during my churchgoing days. It was the one time of year we held a sunrise ceremony, usually outside at a location near water. And I think, if I remember correctly, there was at least one person who was baptized in the lake one year - now THAT would be COLD. :)
I don't miss the religion, but sometimes I miss the music. :)
Enjoyed a delicious Tofurkey roast here, and went for a walk along the river.
I don't miss the religion, but sometimes I miss the music. :)
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hOwIyFXaM]Me too.[/url]
A friend of mine in the US asked me why there's no government business today, so I found this: Easter Monday in Canada. Doesn't explain why our politicians get a week off, though.
And some of them are on the politics shows at 5!