Winnipeg family's experience serves as warning:
Melissa Feniuk said she and her kids are usually morning people, so when they all woke up groggy and with headaches that day, something seemed off. But it wasn't until after she called 911 because her 14-year-old daughter, Alexis, passed out in her bedroom that Feniuk said she realized what was going on."[It was] terrifying…. I'm just so thankful that we are alive," Feniuk said.
"One of the paramedics had said to me that Alexis saved our lives by passing out first, because if we would have been in the house for another 30 minutes or so, we probably all would have died."
How frightenting that must have been for the family. I'm very happy that they are all okay. Please, everybody pay attention to this. Carbon monoxide is lethal, and we all need to be careful.