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melovesproles wrote:

eastnoireast wrote:
it could be considered a mini-test of actually being in public office - say, you've been acting weirdly and annoyingly, people find out, ya gotta go face the press. do you have what it takes? can you turn the crowd, sign up a few volunteers? go.

Hahah. That seems like a throwback to when elected representatives were human beings and not polished social media accounts.

This made me curious what was being scrubbed and going back and looking at it, hard to see what they were worried about. Pretty boring stuff. Wish they would have just deleted things they thought could come back at them. The way they have gone about this shows both a lack of critical judgement and no consideration for others. Hopefully, they finish soon.

We agree.


Wow, you folks sure make some wild assumptions. Firstly, the poster isn't ashamed of anything she's posted. People from a right wing political organization (not a party) used a fairly innocuous post out of context to smear her. She's trying to avoid that happening again. Secondly, it's a minor annoyance that is almost at an end. The disruption to your tidily ordered babble world is temporary and if it disturbs you so much I suggest scrolling on past until the offense is no longer visible.

Seriously, y'all need to find something more worthwhile to freak out about. Someone trying to protect themselves from whackjob right wingers shouldn't have to take this crap from so-called allies. And people wonder why so many have left babble.


Thanks for your own insulting opinion.


We should know it is almost at an end because?  Nobody told us it would be a week of disruption or however long it will take. I had no idea what was happened. I learned through other posters that it was a politician.

We should have regard for this politician, feel solidarity, when nothing was said to us until there were complaints. There was no "Hey guys, sorry about this, I'll try to get through as fast as I can"  There was no "this should take about a week".  Could this person not get more help deleting?  

Some of the long term posters here who are supposed to feel some alligence could have helped out if they were asked. 

Respect is a two way street. 


Pondering wrote:

Respect is a two way street. 


Pondering wrote:

We should know it is almost at an end because?  Nobody told us it would be a week of disruption or however long it will take. I had no idea what was happened. I learned through other posters that it was a politician.

We should have regard for this politician, feel solidarity, when nothing was said to us until there were complaints. There was no "Hey guys, sorry about this, I'll try to get through as fast as I can"  There was no "this should take about a week".  Could this person not get more help deleting?  

Some of the long term posters here who are supposed to feel some alligence could have helped out if they were asked. 

Respect is a two way street. 

There was no notification of time frame because there was no time frame. I have notified you that it's near the end because it's what I learned today. Now, if you're all done getting bent out of shape over a minor inconvenience, I'm closing this thread.


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