Mastodon servers

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Pogo Pogo's picture
Mastodon servers

Does anyone have any advise on finding the appropriate Mastodon server? I am looking for certain attributes (simple living/degrowth, Pacific westcoast ecology, community building). I find the Mastodon server search engine to be clumsy and pointless - you almost have to know the server name to search for it.

Twitter is such a mess, and everyone of import is leaving, I am thinking I need to start working on my exit strategy.


It is on my list as a number of people I follow on twitter have moved there. Haven't done it yet though.



Pogo wrote:
I am thinking I need to start working on my exit strategy.

What stops you from logging in and hitting delete? 30 seconds and it's done. An exit strategy makes it sound like you're leaving one career for another.

Douglas Fir Premier

People form relationships and communities online, so when you quit a platform, you're not just walking away from an app, but also potentially all the people with whom that app is your only connection. If you want to ensure you have a way to stay in touch before you leave permannetly, that can take a bit of communication and planning first.

Douglas Fir Premier

Pogo wrote:

Does anyone have any advise on finding the appropriate Mastodon server? I am looking for certain attributes (simple living/degrowth, Pacific westcoast ecology, community building). I find the Mastodon server search engine to be clumsy and pointless - you almost have to know the server name to search for it.

Twitter is such a mess, and everyone of import is leaving, I am thinking I need to start working on my exit strategy.

Have you heard about Project Mushroom? From what I understand (which isn't much), it's built on Mastodon, but is somehow its own entity, which is not "federated" (whatever that means) with other parts of Mastodon. It's a moderated platform, and was founded by people involved in climate justice.

Pogo Pogo's picture

Thanks Douglas Fir Premier. Project mushroom looks like a nice option. I follow 300 people on Twitter, but that list whittles down to a few dozen people that I am keenly interested in. I want to get set up on Mastodon and reach to connect with these people before pulling the plug on Twitter.


Douglas Fir Premier wrote:

People form relationships and communities online, so when you quit a platform, you're not just walking away from an app, but also potentially all the people with whom that app is your only connection. If you want to ensure you have a way to stay in touch before you leave permannetly, that can take a bit of communication and planning first.

I didn't conder it like that, thank you.


Free speech is over-hyped. I believe in extensive content moderation.


One way to find a good server might be to look at where the people you want to follow are. That avenue led me here, and if I want to land somewhere, that may be it:

Near as I can tell Telegram has a similar structure of channels.

And speaking of free speech, here's the man himself posing with someone who works to bury negative Telegram content with spam.