High Speed Rail Canada founder Paul Langan has updated the list of previous Ontario - Quebec high speed rail studies to 24. The list and FREE downloads of some of the studies in english and french are available on their website.
High Speed Rail Canada (HSRC) is Canada's only educational resource dedicated to promoting the modernization of passenger rail in Canada.
Their mandate is to educate people on the benefits of modern passenger rail. They do it through their website http://www.highspeedrailcanada.com, Youtube channel, Facebook, Twitter @HSRCanada and public educational sessions.
Paul Langan, founder of HSRC continues to review previous high speed rail studies done in Canada and load them on the HSRC website.
Mr. Langan states, "We now have a list of 24 previous Ontario - Quebec high speed rail studies on our website with links in french and english to a significant number of them. We also have studies of Alberta and British Columbia related to high speed rail. Our mandate is to educate people on the past and present. Allowing the public to access the list and download the studies is important to us."
Here is the LINK to the studies.
For more information on High Speed Rail Canada, go to their website or contact their founder Paul Langan at [email protected] or 226-505-7605.