Hearing aids

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Hearing aids

..i've had my hearing aids for around 10 years. that's a longer life span for aids than is normal...i'm told. they were my first set and when i went out looking for them i really didn't have the experience of using them as i have now. i really didn't know what questions to ask for. what is important. at least for me. 

..those aids no longer work for me so recently i again went out looking. i'd like to share what i found so that it will help someone else. i do this also to make people aware of the real difference in product and price.

..come apr 5th i go in to get fitted with my new aids. molds were made of my canals so that the piece that goes into the ear is constructed especially for my canal. but i get ahead of myself....    


..i set out with a plan of visiting 3 different place. with the option of more if i found it necessary. the first 2 places were private clinics. the cost of entry level aids was $4600 and $4300. the 3rd place was costco. and i was astounded by the difference. both in quality and cost.  


..the cost of costco aids were $2600 less than i was willing to pay for a decent set. and $1900 cheaper than the last place i went to check out. which was $4300. 

..the aids themselves are a much higher quality than what was being offered at the other 2 places. the tech told me they are worth about $8000 at a private hearing clinic. i can believe it. they are the top of the line at rexton which is a division of seimens which is 1 of the top 3 or 4 corps in the world for aids. remember the other places were offering entry level products. 

..my new aids are bicore aids meaning 2 chips in each instead of the usual 1. here is a link to the aids. way way past the tech of my 10 year old set. 



..they are rechargeable and all their functions can be adjusted through a phone app. if not you can get a remote. what i learned over the years is that batteries are a racket. the aids are also intuitive..they learn specific to you. 1 of the 2 chip is dedicated to this.

..plus a 6 mon trial period from the manufacture. you don't like return at no cost. your money will be refunded. plus years of free checks and other things that go along with having a hearing aid. 

..the hearing tests i went through are quite advanced. way more advanced than even not so long ago. makes sense as tech is improving at a furious pace. the costco test had what the others had but more in addition. and they are free. 

..i paid $2400 for these aid. still a big chunk of change but there are few options if you want to hear. and cheaper versions aren't necessarily what you need. my current pair can't separate sound right in front of you from background noise. it gets jumbled.

..and that's my story and i'm sticking to it. 

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Thanks for this helpful information. My eyes have been most sensitive to aging but luckily all in under control but my partner has had increasingly poorer hearing, one ear more than another, so it is good to understand how these things work. I know that by this point in life, my father did start experiencing profound hearing loss. So far (knock on wood) it doesn't seem to be a trait I inherited.


Something's very wrong with our health care system!

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

JKR, I believe that people requiring specific equipment and aids are definitely dependent on their own personal insurance or very limited support. I think that includes items like prosthetic limbs and types of wheelchairs, lifts and other supports for para and quardrapralegics.


laine lowe, yeah I also know people who have paid out of pocket for things like electric wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, optometry, dental care, long term home care, etc... 


Thanks for the feedback about Costco.
No organization is perfect, but I continue to be impressed with the way Costco run their business. Their prices are quite reasonable, their products are good quality, they never refuse to immediately refund an unwanted purchase, and their staff are paid very, very well.


..i did get a chance to chat a little with the hearing specialist. 

..she had worked at costco for 9 years. said the money and benefits were good. she also said there is a good pension plan with costco. 


thanks for this epaulo, it's really  helpful.  i'm going for a hearing test in the near future and may end up requiring such a device.


Just Watching

Thanks for the info, epaulo.  I had been looking for new aids as well, for the same reasons you stated, but they were all too rich for my budget. The Ontario government gives some $$ back, but they still cost around 4500. The batteries alone will bankrupt you.  I'm going to try Costco, maybe I can get some that will work


..glad to be of help!