In have an ancient pc - my mac has died. Perhaps it was my cat, but my computer is stuck on portrait - as if it were a tablet or phone, and I can't switch it back. I have followed the directions incicated online, but nothing happened, and of course I have a rush job to do. Help!!!!!
computer stuck on portrait
What's the model number of your computer? Maybe for starters, try going to your desktop, pick an empty space, right-click there with your mouse, see if there's a "display" entry in the menu which hopefully appears, and then tell us what choices there are in that menu? I'm just scrambling here.
It's an old dell - piece of shit lent by a friend. modl latitude e4300. I'm translating a grant application that would bgive me the funds to buy a decent (used) computer. Thanks. Im typing sideways on a very small screen.
Did you try what I suggested?
Yes, and some variants. It finally worked. So I can turn in (early) and finish my job tomorrow morning and buy myself a decent (second-hand) computer.
Thanks to all!
It's so rare and wonderful that we get to talk about something that ends well on this board. Congratulations!
It's so rare and wonderful that we get to talk about something that ends well on this board. Congratulations!
[s]Typical Liberal propagandist, coming in to troll a serious discussion between progressive participants...[/s]
Oops - yes, agreed!
Why has my profile photo disappeared. I had to look through files to find it and upload it but it didn't take. I love seeing my beautiful Fearless when I scroll through posts.
Why has my profile photo disappeared. I had to look through files to find it and upload it but it didn't take. I love seeing my beautiful Fearless when I scroll through posts.
Dear User,
We regret to advise that your profile photo was in violation of our community standards. In accordance with the detailed consent form which you signed on subscribing to this service, we have removed the photo.
If you have any questions, please consult our convenient online service agreement and privacy policy.
The Lords of Cyberspace™
Was Fearless a cat? A dog?
Lagatta, Fearless was my tuxedo cat. I used to have my friend's dog Riley as an avatar/profile picture. She was a beautiful Keeshond, a Dutch barge dog.