Beta babble not letting me send private messages- anybody else having this issue?

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Ken Burch
Beta babble not letting me send private messages- anybody else having this issue?

When I try to do that, for some reason the "send a private message" button redirects to the Public Service Alliance of Canada log-in page,  which blocks me from sending the messages because I'm not a PSAC member.

Anybody know what's going on with that?

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Well they raised the floor on what version browsers can access the site. A few other sites just did a similar auto upgrade so I had to find a browser that might work on my old Mac OS. Still not ideal and very clitchy but at least access is not denied.


Ken Burch wrote:

When I try to do that, for some reason the "send a private message" button redirects to the Public Service Alliance of Canada log-in page,  which blocks me from sending the messages because I'm not a PSAC member.

Anybody know what's going on with that?

Out of curiosity, I clicked the link to send you a private message, and got sent to, of all places, here. Something seems amiss, indeed.

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

This latest set of changes seems to have further deprioritized Babble. There used to be a drop-down menu that would show up if I hovered my cursor over the Babble menu text. One of the options allowed me to go directly to the Active Topics page without going to the Babble home page first, and I used it almost all the time I came here. Now that's gone and it takes an extra click to get to the Active Topics page.

The function that replaces the "Log In" button with our user name also appears to be gone. Thus, when I went to Babble after logging in I thought I'd been logged out, though clicking the "Log In" button again confirmed that I hadn't been (though it wasted more of my time).

Not to mention that Rabble seems to take a lot longer to load than it did before this latest set of changes.

Oh, and I'm not crazy about the new font choice.


There are a lot of changes coming down the pipe. I've been working with tech to fix the message problem, as I and others have been doing since last week before the beta launch. It's a work in progress. And babble (like rabble, alway lower case) isn't further de-prioritized - there are very pragmatic reasons for keeping it here on the drupal site for now. There is no agenda.

Now, Oldgoat will be moderating for the rest of the month beginning tomorrow. I know you all will welcome him and tease him relentlessly ;) Even though I'm supposed to be on vacation I will continue to work with the team until the major issues are fixed. 

Thanks for your patience, and for beta testing our new site. There are many improvements on the rabble site, including a cleaner look, but babble will remain much the same. 


Also, babble, like rabble, is ALWAYS lower case, regardless of its position in a sentence. 


Wait a minute, no one said anything about relentless teasing!   Also, until things get fixed I won't be able to get messages.


Where is the search function for babble? Also, where is the read counter?

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

MegB wrote:

And babble (like rabble, alway lower case) isn't further de-prioritized - there are very pragmatic reasons for keeping it here on the drupal site for now. There is no agenda.

Now, Oldgoat will be moderating for the rest of the month beginning tomorrow. I know you all will welcome him and tease him relentlessly ;) Even though I'm supposed to be on vacation I will continue to work with the team until the major issues are fixed. 

Thanks for your patience, and for beta testing our new site. There are many improvements on the rabble site, including a cleaner look, but babble will remain much the same. 

In my books, making the babble link smaller, moving it to a less prominent location on the homepage, and getting rid of the drop-down menu that it used to have, does amount to "de-prioritizing" it on the homepage. Rabble may still devote the same amount of attention to babble, but it will probably result in fewer visitors to Rabble making it to the babble part of the site.

The other thing is that back in 2008 when Rabble moved to the Drupal software, the moderator at the time -- Michelle, if my memory serves me correctly -- notified us before the changeover, got us to submit issues with the new babble as well as suggested improvements, and that feedback was addressed by Rabble staff.

Now, when Rabble updates happen, there's no notification -- we just show up here and find that things don't work the same as they used to. Staff only acknowledge the changes after this thread was started to address bugs and other things.

Ken Burch

MegB wrote:

Also, babble, like rabble, is ALWAYS lower case, regardless of its position in a sentence. 

Although it's upper case on the beta version of the new page, for some reason.


Left Turn wrote:
MegB wrote:

And babble (like rabble, alway lower case) isn't further de-prioritized - there are very pragmatic reasons for keeping it here on the drupal site for now. There is no agenda.

Now, Oldgoat will be moderating for the rest of the month beginning tomorrow. I know you all will welcome him and tease him relentlessly ;) Even though I'm supposed to be on vacation I will continue to work with the team until the major issues are fixed. 

Thanks for your patience, and for beta testing our new site. There are many improvements on the rabble site, including a cleaner look, but babble will remain much the same. 

In my books, making the babble link smaller, moving it to a less prominent location on the homepage, and getting rid of the drop-down menu that it used to have, does amount to "de-prioritizing" it on the homepage. Rabble may still devote the same amount of attention to babble, but it will probably result in fewer visitors to Rabble making it to the babble part of the site.

The other thing is that back in 2008 when Rabble moved to the Drupal software, the moderator at the time -- Michelle, if my memory serves me correctly -- notified us before the changeover, got us to submit issues with the new babble as well as suggested improvements, and that feedback was addressed by Rabble staff.

Now, when Rabble updates happen, there's no notification -- we just show up here and find that things don't work the same as they used to. Staff only acknowledge the changes after this thread was started to address bugs and other things.

When Michelle presided over the first drupal upgrade it was very different. I was here for the second drupal upgrade and had no way of knowing what the bugs were until it went live. This time I have input, but there are things all over the site that need tweaking. NDPP, we haven't had a views count in, quite literally, years. And the search function is on rabble's main page. Will see about getting it on our pages. And yes Ken, the case sensitivity is uneven, but it's not a priority.

You know, I'm supposed to be on my first vacation in two years, but instead I'm trying to iron out problems so that Frank can do his job and you can all have an improved experience. But we don't always get what we want, do we.

Ken Burch

MegB wrote:
Left Turn wrote:
MegB wrote:

And babble (like rabble, alway lower case) isn't further de-prioritized - there are very pragmatic reasons for keeping it here on the drupal site for now. There is no agenda.

Now, Oldgoat will be moderating for the rest of the month beginning tomorrow. I know you all will welcome him and tease him relentlessly ;) Even though I'm supposed to be on vacation I will continue to work with the team until the major issues are fixed. 

Thanks for your patience, and for beta testing our new site. There are many improvements on the rabble site, including a cleaner look, but babble will remain much the same. 

In my books, making the babble link smaller, moving it to a less prominent location on the homepage, and getting rid of the drop-down menu that it used to have, does amount to "de-prioritizing" it on the homepage. Rabble may still devote the same amount of attention to babble, but it will probably result in fewer visitors to Rabble making it to the babble part of the site.

The other thing is that back in 2008 when Rabble moved to the Drupal software, the moderator at the time -- Michelle, if my memory serves me correctly -- notified us before the changeover, got us to submit issues with the new babble as well as suggested improvements, and that feedback was addressed by Rabble staff.

Now, when Rabble updates happen, there's no notification -- we just show up here and find that things don't work the same as they used to. Staff only acknowledge the changes after this thread was started to address bugs and other things.

When Michelle presided over the first drupal upgrade it was very different. I was here for the second drupal upgrade and had no way of knowing what the bugs were until it went live. This time I have input, but there are things all over the site that need tweaking. NDPP, we haven't had a views count in, quite literally, years. And the search function is on rabble's main page. Will see about getting it on our pages. And yes Ken, the case sensitivity is uneven, but it's not a priority.

You know, I'm supposed to be on my first vacation in two years, but instead I'm trying to iron out problems so that Frank can do his job and you can all have an improved experience. But we don't always get what we want, do we.

The case sensitivity thing isn't a big deal- I found it amusing, and my post wasn't meant as a complaint. Sorry if what I said posted there cut into my vacation time.


No Ken, there is much else that has me concerned. It'll all work out. Oldgoat has set up a thread so that all of you can communicate until our message function is back. And my apologies for being snarky - it's been a rough week.


Meg, with all due respect, go relax. We can wait until your vacation is over. Everyone survived the facebook outage and that was much worse. 


I'm told that the private message function exists now, but there does not appear to be any link to it.  I sent myself a test message a few days ago, and after considerable rooting around came across it more or less by random accident.  I sent this information up the chain, and am told this remains is a work in progress. 

Back in 2008 when we went to drupal, a beta version was opened to a handful of babblers and was run in parallel to the old board for a couple of weeks so that bugs could be identified that way.

I should take this moment to disclose, for those who haven't figured it out already, that I am a technological idiot.  Fancy computer talk leaves me behind pretty fast.  I have this job based strictly on my charm. It's a good day when I can work my portable telephone machine.