Hey folks, I'm so glad you've done some serious thinking about this book. I'd really like to see more particular comments from our babblers.
Hey folks, I'm so glad you've done some serious thinking about this book. I'd really like to see more particular comments from our babblers.
To answer your question, Meg, I didn't know the details of inner government action but had the broad skeleton of the oppression from my background in Canadian history. I agree, more canadians should read it.
Definitely a must read for any Canadian "progressive" that has been oblivious to indigenous issues over the last three decades. He sets it all out extremely well. As some one who has been somewhat knowledgeble since the 1980's I am the most disgusted with the lack of action on the Royal Commission report. It was an awesome process and came up with real doable recommendations that had the support of the vast majority of First Nations.
As an ally I have been somewhat restrained because since the mid-'90's when I was somewhat involved in the treaty process I could see clearly it had only one goal in mind and that was extinquishment of title to land. However I also believe in self determination so I don't feel it is my place to tell indigenous communities how they should navigate their dealings with our Dishonorable Crown. Taking the crumbs offered at the treaty table instead of more beatings is a choice I asm thankful I don't have to make.
A concrete action that we could take to assist First Nations stuck in the disreputable Treaty process would be to get the NDP and Greens to commit to loan forgiveness for all negotiating debts and making it an election issue.
Hey wonderful people, would you be interested in a chat with co-author Grand Chief Ronald Derrikson. Sadly, Arthur Manuel passed away in January but I may be able to carve out some time with the Grand Chief. I'll need several of you to commit to a Q&A style chat, so please let me know if you're interested. We haven't had a guest author here in the book lounge for quite some time, so this will be a real treat if I can pull it together.
Juuust finished reading this book. I deliberately stayed out of this thread until now to avoid spoilers ;)
This is an important book, full of concepts that should be taught in schools, like the racism inherent in the "discovery" paradigm, and the root source of indigenous Canadians' ongoing poverty.
And yes; I'm saddened to hear about the passing of Mr. Manuel, and would love to hear from Ronald Derrickson.
Hey All,
The Council of Canadians Unsettling Canada book club is meeting this Thursday night at 8pm Message me if you're interested and I'll give you the details :)