I always suggest the shortest possible books!
Seems like a relatively quick read, but I don't think I could manage it in 2-3 hours!
I always suggest the shortest possible books!
Seems like a relatively quick read, but I don't think I could manage it in 2-3 hours!
Do we know for a fact that his son read it?
Got the book out of the Library today, and after seeing its short length, I'd be fine with May 13 as a discussion date.
May 13 is fine with me but I won't be able to chime in until after 10 pm. Working 1-9.
So someone can open a dedicated thread on the morning of the 13th?
Obviously I can't in good conscience support reading, but I support this book choice and reviving the BBC, so I'm in.
Any suggestions for our next book?
I've got two suggestions:
[url=http://www.cbc.ca/books/2016/06/the-shoe-boy.html]The Shoe Boy: A Trapline Memoir|Duncan McCue[/url]
This book is a short 94 pages and is being released this Tuesday June 21st.
[url=http://rabble.ca/books/reviews/2016/06/heavy-tale-lightly-told-mona-awad... Ways of Looking at a Fat Gir|Mona Awad[/url]
This fiction book is a somewhat longer 224 pages. The link is to the Rabble Book Lounge review of it.
"13 Ways..." sounded really interesting - and unique - from the review. I'd be down for that.
But I'll wait for more suggestions, and I may have a couple of my own. For example, I'm a big fan of Ruth Ozeki, even if her books go back a few years (like My Year of Meats - amazing on so many levels - also loved A Tale for the Time Being, much more recent).
I'm more partial to fiction for the book club, because we all spend so much time reading political-type non-fiction. The problem with those Ozeki books, of course, is that I've already read them... but would love to discuss with babblers. And being 1998 and 2013 respectively, they should be more easily available from libraries.
I'd be up for either of the Ruth Ozeki books. A tale for the Time Being looks like the more interesting of the two based on the synopsis, but I can't say for sure.
Looked up 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl at the Vancouver and Burnaby Libraries. Vancouver has 107 holds on 24 copies. Burnaby has 1 of 5 copies that just got returned today; might be able to get it tomorrow, .though we won't likely have a decision made by then.
I, too, prefer fiction. I am just finishing Station Eleven. One of the best novels that I have readin ages.
Sigh, I am rarely a fiction reader (and most of my non-fiction isn't political), but I can rise to the challenge. For example, I read Kevin Chong's Beauty Plus Pity when it was one of our selections, but was then thrilled to discover two of his books in the library that I enjoyed with much more appreciation, My Year of the Racehorse and Northern Dancer: The Legendary Horse that Inspired a Nation. And I have thoroughly enjoyed a few works of Canadian fiction in recent years, including Crow Lake, Come,Thou Tortoise and The Way the Crow Flies (enough to read each of them twice).
So, I'll go along with whatever others choose, provided I can find it in the library. OTOH I probably won't have anything intelligent to say about it. But yikes, Caissa, Station Eleven sounds pretty depressing (I read the NYT review)..
Further to Unionists's suggestions, of the Ozeki books there are multiple copies of A Tale for the Time Being at the library, but only one of My Year of Meats. Just from the blurbs, the former strikes me (superficially) as more engaging, although it jumps around in time apparently and might be hard to follow. But come to think of it, so did Come, Thou Tortoise, and that didn't bother me at all in that book. So maybe it won't be a problem here either. I'm just not a sophisticated fiction reader.
Next I'll have a look at Left Turn's ideas. I keep plugging Come, Thou Tortoise (because I haven't met anyone else who read it and am eager to bandy ideas with somebody) but I've given up.
EDIT to add: Both Left Turn's suggested books are 2016 publication dates and not in stock in the public library yet, though the Awad book is on order. However, both sound like interesting reads, maybe for later this year? I particularly like the Shoe Boy one, having lived in the wilds of Northern Labrador for awhile in my misspent youth.
Bump- More input?
Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide?
Since white rage is replacing self-satisfied white smugness as the world's ruling emotion....
So far the most support seems to be for Ruth Ozeki's [i]A Tale for the Time Being[/i]. 3 of us say we're up for reading it. Is this a go?
So far the most support seems to be for Ruth Ozeki's [i]A Tale for the Time Being[/i]. 3 of us say we're up for reading it. Is this a go?
I don't want to sway public opinion - but I'm still good with this.
Works for me.
I'm fine with it. Put in a request at the library. Since there are multiple copies, it shouldn't take long for it to get to me.
I'm purchasing it this evening on the way to a walk and talk about local Jewish War Vets being given by Ms. C.
Can we set a discussion date so that I know when to start reading the book?
July 29.
Works for me. Others?
I'm fine with July 29.
Ditto. Count me in for July 29.
I dipped my toe into the book on the weekend. It promises to be a good read.
I dipped my toe into the book on the weekend. It promises to be a good read.
Great to hear. I just picked it up at the library today, so will get right onto it.
I dipped my toe into the book on the weekend. It promises to be a good read.
Great to hear. I just picked it up at the library today, so will get right onto it.
I am halfway through the 400+ pages.