First post left blank
Male bathroom etiquette
Male bathroom etiquette: You use the "first post left".
Things you find wandering around the interweb.
I am not certain this is worth requesting that a moderator intervene and actually embed the viewer, but I wouldn't complain if one did.
I am not certain if this is NSFW or not.... depends where you work I imagine.
Damn Caissa, have you seen it too?
the rule is that you always leave the most possible spaces between you and anyone else at another urinal
I never use a urinal. We don't have urinals in our homes, why should I be expected to saddle up to a "relieving trough" just because I'm in a public space. Just because our appendage allows for a urinal type design shouldn't mean we by nesessity forfeit our right to privacy.
Urinals are actually much better for the environment than standard toilets because they use much less water.
I try to leave a length of paper towel ready to tear off for the next person washing their hands.
I try to supress my laughter when someone in the next stall unloads massive diarrhea.
It would be a good thing if all the washroom stalls came with a red grease pencil so one might correct certain spelling errors.
At Trent's Traill College Residence, we had co-ed bathrooms with sinks with privacy walls, and one shower stall with a locking door, on the second floor. Some of us headed over to an area of Traill where bathrooms and showers were designated male or female instead. There was one prick who made life miserable for all of us, and we got the Principle to tell him to behave or be thrown out of residence. There's always someone who will try to sabotage a new idea such as co-ed washrooms.
Who, might I ask, was "Trent", and what did he do to deserve having a trail named for him? Also, where did this trail lead?
(thread drift, I know...but somebody had to ask...)
Trent University, Peterborough. The college was named after Catherine Parr Traill. Need more info?
I think I'll leave it at that, thank you.
I did my undergraduate degree there. Trent has a world class athletic complex, and lots of rowing waterways. It's known for its environmental sciences programs.
as far as i can tell, male bathroom etiquette is: pissing all over the floor and toilet seats, leaving blobs of toilet paper in said puddles of piss, not flushing, farting loudly and occasionally throwing shit on the walls.
never eat the big white mints..
is there something new to discover?
Here's an easy bathroom rule to remember and live by: you can talk to someone else in the washroom, but only if you're both doing the same thing. So, for example:
- you're both at the urinal? Talk away!
- you're both washing your hands? "How was your weekend?"
- he's washing his hands and you're pooping? Save the chitchat for another time.
My wife prefers Women Only public toilets like we used to have. They are cleaner, no piss on the floor or seat and the seat is always in place (rare today)
Men's washrooms are reportedly much cleaner than women's. Women are terrible in public washrooms actually.
Most disturbing public restroom configuration I ever saw was in Terry Schrunk Square in downtown Portland, which featured- on the men's room side, anyway- toilets without stalls, jail-style.