I bin bad

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I bin bad

I have started visiting Fox News just to see how they can possibily support Trump. They can't really so they spend most of their energy bashing "The Left".

Anyways, I made the mistake of reading comments and I just couldn't resist responding mostly through understated ridicule. I'm probably just responding to trolls but it has made me laugh which I always view possitively.

I particularly enjoy agreeing that Biden doesn't impress me much either.

Ken Burch

Well, Biden doesn't impress anyone, actually-but he is the only one you can vote for presidentially that will get Trump out.

The Electoral College makes third-party presidential politics futile.  

And no, Pondering, you haven't been bad-you were just doing oppo research and giving them a taste of their own medicine.


[quote=Ken Burch]

Well, Biden doesn't impress anyone, actually-but he is the only one you can vote for presidentially that will get Trump out.


The other American warmongering  imperialist bloodsuckers. It'll be grand.  Can't wait...

The Jimmy Dore Show


"DEMOCRATS prevent Trump withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan."

Ken Burch

NDPP]</p> <p>[quote=Ken Burch]</p> <p>Well, Biden doesn't impress anyone, actually-but he is the only one you can vote for presidentially that will get Trump out.</p> <p>[quote=NDPP wrote:

The other American warmongering  imperialist bloodsuckers. It'll be grand.  Can't wait...

The Jimmy Dore Show


"DEMOCRATS prevent Trump withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan."

If Trump gets a second term, no one on the Left in the U.S. will be able to resist or do any meaningful organizing at all.  That is the difference.  Resistance can't be built during Republican presidencies.


Nonsense. Under Obama liberals largely went to sleep and ignored the awful carnage Dems caused.  Under Trump the whole country is jumping with activism.


It is highly unfortunate that the only mainstream news network in the US not engaging in comlpete fearmongering and sensationalism is engaging in denialism. Unfortunately some really intelligent people who question whether the idea of locking everyone in their houses is in a good idea can only go on Fox News, and these people's positions are often misrepresented. It would be nice if we could simply talk about the facts of how serious coronavirus is and what to do without sensationalist fearmongering.


When I first looked at the thread title in the ATs I swear I heard Marianne Faithfull singing Guilt. Just popped into my head. But no, nothing wrong with trolling the trolls every once in a while. I find it's sometimes good for letting off steam with a bit of fun.