Liberals Target Nudity in NDP

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Liberals Target Nudity in NDP



NDP dismayed after Liberals circulate nude photo of candidate
Party chides attempt to 'disparage the reputation' of actress
Last Updated: Thursday, April 9, 2009 | 8:53 AM AT Comments50Recommend17
CBC News

The Nova Scotia NDP is accusing the Liberals of gutter politics for circulating a photo in which of one of their candidates appears partially nude.

A member of the Liberal campaign team sent CBC News the photo of Lenore Zann, a veteran actress who will be the NDP's candidate in Truro-Bible Hill in the next provincial election.

The photo is from the cable TV series the L Word, one of the many shows Zann has appeared in. The show is about the lives of a group of lesbians in Los Angeles. In the photo, Zann's breasts are exposed.

The image was sent to CBC News on Wednesday, the same day NDP Leader Darrell Dexter announced Zann's candidacy in Truro. The Liberals suggested the photo was relevant in a community where the mayor had refused to fly a gay pride flag.

Dexter said he is aware of Zann's roles.

"I'm just extraordinarily disappointed that someone would seek to try and disparage the reputation of a fine, fine individual - a well-known and respected actress," he told CBC News.

Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil has said his party is the only one not running negative advertisements. He refused to be interviewed by CBC News about the photo.

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

It may simply be coded homophobia masquerading as gutter politics. However, when McNeil refuses to be interviewed during an election about something his party did, I think it's safe to say that the character assassination has already backfired.

martin dufresne

And we wonder why people vote Conservative... Bring back Kim Campbell!Wink

It's Me D

Wait a minute here, NS Liberals don't think politicians should pose partially nude?

Well that explains this then,




Liberal leader Stephen McNeil has apologized to the NDP and to Lenore this morning although he says the "volunteer" who sent the photo to the CBC will continue doing work for the party.

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

"We're sorry we got caught and we'll try not to let it happen again."

Ken Burch

"...unless we can do a better job of getting away with it..."

martin dufresne

"...And even if we get rapped on the knuckles again by bleeding-heart lib... oops NDPites, we are confident that good salt-of-the-earth Nova-Scotians will have gotten the message loud and clear and will end up staying away from decadent Jezebel at the polls"..

Ken Burch

"and, oh, please, rap us on the knuckles again, mistress, er, I mean voters.  We've been a BAD party."



remind remind's picture

This is just sexist shit, how many pictures can be pulled out of the wood work of male politicians going topless at the beach or in their backyards even?


The good news is that the whole thing seems to have totally back-fired on the Nova Scotia Liberals while the NDP candidate who was victimized seems to be getting a wave of sympathy. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up getting elected now in what would otherwise have been a bit of a longshot seat for the NDP.



A bigger venue was procured for the Tuesday nomination meeting.

And Zann was already much more than a longshot. Truro is a lot like Pictou and Pictou County: places where the NDP is stronger than average for the mainland [which is already saying a lot]. If anything Truro is more like that. And the experience in Pictou is that when the PC incumbent stops running, if not before, the constituency switches NDP... and fairly solidly.

Add to that precondition that is the Zann is the hometown girl made good who comes back because she chooses to live there, and has spearheaded community projects in the year since she moved back full time.

Looks pretty good locally, even if the the NDP wasn't on a roll across the province.


Zann acclaimed as NDP candidate for Truro-Bible Hill

Skinny Dipper

The only thing worse than nudity is having some band call itself "The Bare Naked Ladies."

All references to nudity should be wiped out of Canadian minds.

Stop the bare hunt.

Skinny Dipper.  (I want to travel to Nunavut someday.) (NU=Nunavut.  Nu=nude in French).


Glad to hear someone's putting the "newd" back in the New Democratic Party.


People will be running naked in the streets if the NDP take this riding.



Daedalus Daedalus's picture

remind wrote:

This is just sexist shit, how many pictures can be pulled out of the wood work of male politicians going topless at the beach or in their backyards even?


Absolutely. Not only sexist, but just plain juvenile too. And insulting to the maturity and intelligence of the electorate.

Do the Libs snicker and giggle at Renaissance art and Greek statues, too?


Trick question.

True Nova Scotians only look at Maud Lewis art.


martin dufresne wrote:

And we wonder why people vote Conservative... Bring back Kim Campbell!Wink

Or Sharon Smith.

Sam-PCpartyBlogger Sam-PCpartyBlogger's picture

I think most people realize that everyone's jobs and interests change throughout their lives. I do not think that the nudity incident has really hurt the NDP in any large way...Most people have accepted nudity in films as standard, so the fact that a former actress did it is not so shocking, even if she is a politician now.

Obviously what has hurt the NDP is their platform itself. What does everyone think of the pamphlet-platform that the NDP released? I have yet to hear anything truly positive in the media or the like about it.

Also: Yes! I love Maud Lewis

Follow Sam the Blogger on tour with the Premier and at PC and watch the Campaign blog and videos at


I think you mispelled your name.

Isn't supposed to be Spam?

Sam-PCpartyBlogger Sam-PCpartyBlogger's picture

alright, alright. i take it you are not a fan. I am indeed a newbie and trying to join the discussion...and yes get some hits on my blog. is that so bad? I'm just trying to find the people who would be interested in my blog.

What about you KenS, is there anything you want to know about the behind-the-scenes process of elections that I can share? I really want to make this good, and would appreciate any help or advice experienced bloggers have to offer me.

-Sam the Blogger

Follow Sam the Blogger on tour with the Premier and at PC and watch the Campaign blog and videos at


Sam-PCpartyBlogger wrote:

alright, alright. i take it you are not a fan. I am indeed a newbie and trying to join the discussion...and yes get some hits on my blog. is that so bad?

I think this may be the most forthright admission of trolling/spamming I have ever seen.  Now please go away.


A sense of humour helps. But rather than 'spam' the following would be called trolling around here:


Sam-PCpartyBlogger wrote:

Obviously what has hurt the NDP is their platform itself. What does everyone think of the pamphlet-platform that the NDP released? I have yet to hear anything truly positive in the media or the like about it.


Trolling, potentialy, not for the content itself, but because its nothing more than a toss off comment. So either elaborate, or just stick to announcing your blog.


Sam-PCpartyBlogger wrote:

Follow Sam the Blogger on tour with the Premier and at PC and watch the Campaign blog and videos at


While we are on the topic of nudity.... nude clips of yourself are bound to boost your blog's traffic.


People are allowed to give us a link to their blog as long as they're also here to join the discussion. 

That said, posting the same tag-line at the end of each of your posts is annoying and spamming. Please stop.


oops .... This is not good a situation like this. I think most people realize that everyone's jobs and interests change throughout their lives. I do not think that the nudity incident has really hurt the NDP in any large way...Most people have accepted nudity in films as standard, so the fact that a former actress did it is not so shocking, even if she is a politician now.  [porn link deleted by moderator, fuckwad spammer banned]  I personally lke this. But I dont know most of the people in the society accept this thing. But I think its not a matter for any one because its nature.


So banned.

