Serious racist attack on Vancouver Whitecaps academy players

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Serious racist attack on Vancouver Whitecaps academy players

Unfortunately this disgusting attack could have happened in many places; so far few details, including which racialised group(s) the young men belonged to.

Ken Burch

Horribly unsurprising.  The young men would likely have been targeted because, as hard-working, goal-oriented achievers, their existence disproved whatever racist narrative was being spread about whichever race or ethnicity they were part of.


That is both horrible and surprising in Burnaby. Burnaby is one of the most culturally diverse places on the planet. Racists exist in every part of Canada but there is is less likely than in most places. It is one of those places were Canada's racist classification of "visible minority" is actually a majority of the population. 140,000 people our of 233,000 people are classified as the "minority" class. Of interest is also the linguistics with over 50% of the population with English as their second language. Mother tongues, English 93,000 French 1,650, Indigenous languages 70 and other languages 129,290.

In our racist society all the bilingual people in Burnaby except for the 1,650 who are fluent in both of the official founding settler languages are considered unilingual and not fit to hold the highest office in the country. Easy to see why racists are emboldened in all parts of Canada.



Well, they can learn the other official language and many do; Jagmeet Singh certainly expresses himself well in French, as well as English and Punjabi. I don't know whether he speaks other South Asian languages.

Yes, I was also taken aback by the racist attack in Burnaby; I did know that it was an extremely multicultural and multilingual place. Does anyone have further information?


Ken Burch wrote:

Horribly unsurprising.  The young men would likely have been targeted because, as hard-working, goal-oriented achievers, their existence disproved whatever racist narrative was being spread about whichever race or ethnicity they were part of.

I'm not at all surprised. Rape happened at Occupy. One wouldn't think progressive men would go around raping women. Rape probably happens in Burnaby too. Why not racist attacks?

As long as it is acceptable for women to be second class citizens it will be acceptable to target any group. 


lagatta4 wrote:

Well, they can learn the other official language and many do; Jagmeet Singh certainly expresses himself well in French, as well as English and Punjabi. I don't know whether he speaks other South Asian languages.

Actually my point is that not many people in BC speak French fluently so that over 95% of the population is not eligible in our democracy to think about being PM until they become fluent in French. It is all right if they don't know any Mandarin or Chinese or Korean, the languages that their constituents speak other than English however they need to know BOTH of the founding settler languages even though no one in the Lower Mainland speaks the language. My son went to English Immersion in Burnaby. He is now graduated and has two degrees and has not spoken the language for years because no one speaks it in the Lower Mainland, where he lives and works. On the other hand one can speak Mandarin or Cantonese or Korean at thousands of businesses throughout the Lower Mainland, if you are trying to practice a second language.

I think the other difference between you and me is that our brains are wired differently. You keep saying no problem anyone can become fluent they just have to try. Well I have absolutely no aptitude for languages and I have tried to learn both French and Mandarin without any success despite being very accomplished in other fields. Not everybody is born with the same ear for music or language. The real question is other than language skills what does a politician bring to the table. I guess I would rather see a leader stumbling in one or both of the Official languages but nailing the subject matter of where to go on the life and death issues we are facing as a species and country. Trudeau is a phony in two languages and that is the problem with our system. He is PM because he is the son of Pierre and urbane enough for the Quebec voter, even if he is intellectually vacuous.


You certainly don't think I have any use for Junior. His riding is just north of mine, extremely multicultural, and with very serious pockets of poverty. He's tuned the silly outfit stuff down of late, but he used to be very fond of "ethnic garb" in front of people more concerned with jobs and housing.

We were also exposed to the horrors of (modern) anti-Asian racism here; there was a lot of serious vandalism of shops, professional offices, temples and churches belonging to the Vietnamese community.

I really don't want to get into the national question here (except perhaps as concerns Indigenous nations) as the focus should be on the resurgence of violent racism even in places where it is unexpected.

Ken Burch

Pondering wrote:

Ken Burch wrote:

Horribly unsurprising.  The young men would likely have been targeted because, as hard-working, goal-oriented achievers, their existence disproved whatever racist narrative was being spread about whichever race or ethnicity they were part of.

I'm not at all surprised. Rape happened at Occupy. One wouldn't think progressive men would go around raping women. Rape probably happens in Burnaby too. Why not racist attacks?

As long as it is acceptable for women to be second class citizens it will be acceptable to target any group. 

Rape is a horrific, indefensible thing, but why are you bringing that topic into this incident?  Nobody was raped in this situation.  Also, why would you work in a swipe at Occupy over the accusations of rape at its encampments, when Occupy as an organization made a major effort to end that situation and when the people who committed the rapes were lowlife infiltrators, not people who were actually Occupy supporters.  

Occupy as a movement was NEVER indifferent to women's issues, the existence of its encampments were not the cause of the rapes and there's no reason to use THIS thread about THIS incident, which occurred in a setting Occupy had nothing to do with, to go after them. 

Why would you use this discussion to attack a movement-concept that no longer even exists, for an incident that movement-concept clearly had nothing to do with?  

Also, why would you imply that anybody in THIS thread sees women as second-class citizens?


Progressive men don't rape women. Sorry but by definition a rapist cannot be progressive in any sense of the word. However progressive posers like our PM have shown they are very capable of sexual assault. At least when he was ass grabbing he wasn't wearing brown face although the pictures look like he had been working on a tan. He is the type of poser that gives real activists a bad name.

Ken Burch

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Progressive men don't rape women. Sorry but by definition a rapist cannot be progressive in any sense of the word. However progressive posers like our PM have shown they are very capable of sexual assault. At least when he was ass grabbing he wasn't wearing brown face although the pictures look like he had been working on a tan. He is the type of poser that gives real activists a bad name.



Are people who supported the occupy movement all "progressives?"

Sexual Assaults Reported in 'Occupy' Camps; November 3, 2011; ABC News

Reports of sex crimes spill out of "Occupy" tent cities.

Ken Burch

JKR wrote:

Are people who supported the occupy movement all "progressives?"

Sexual Assaults Reported in 'Occupy' Camps; November 3, 2011; ABC News

Reports of sex crimes spill out of "Occupy" tent cities.

The bastards who did the rapes weren't.  They were just there to do harm.  And Occupy has been extinct as an organization since 2015.  Why has this been brought up in this thread at all?