Racist incidents in Canada (living under a rock)

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Racist incidents in Canada (living under a rock)

This is so jaw-dropping I had to say something.


A student at a Toronto high school said his whole class was shocked and confused after a teacher wore blackface during Halloween celebrations on Friday.....


After class had ended, Stang said students and teachers gathered at the auditorium for an assembly.

"No one approached him. No one confronted him about what he was doing," Stang said......


"As things kind of sunk in through the afternoon and evening I realized that there were other instructors, there were other teachers who saw him and who were interacting with him throughout the day before he was asked to take the makeup off," she said....

"How would you feel to have your teacher come in with blackface, then be asked to remove it and continue teaching you?" she said.


This is a teacher, in a school, with many other teachers, in a diverse neighbourhood. Are they all living under a rock? Have we been transported to the 1950s without my knowledge? They are supposedly university educated people. It's not Quebec either, it's Toronto. 



The mayor of Williams Lake, B.C., is facing calls to resign after he shared a social media post claiming there is an "other side" to residential schools.


Cobb shared the post Friday on his private Facebook account.

It claimed to be authored by someone with Indigenous family members, and alleged there were positive aspects of residential schools but that young Indigenous people "just want to be victims" seeking money, and that most survivors had "forgiven."...


Cobb told the Williams Lake Tribune he shared the post after it was forwarded by a contact, and added, "I think we need to look at every side of everything."

The Facebook post has since been deleted. ...

In June 2020, Coun. Marnie Brenner said in a council meeting "there are always two sides" during a discussion about the schools. The councillor later apologized for her words...

"We've had it up to here with the mayor and leadership within the city of Williams Lake," Sellars said. "How are they going to hold themselves accountable and actually contribute to this discussion?...

Cobb has been mayor of Williams Lake since 2014, and previously held the position from 1990 to 1996.

Mayor since 2014, and still living under a rock?

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Like there is two sides to slavery or the holocaust. What a POS. Unfortunately there are too many like him and it's like the rock they've been living under has been lifted. They feel emboldened to be out in the open with their "free speech" opinions.


A very shocking story on racist behaviour by police in Québec (City) assaulting Black youth: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-city-spvq-arrest-black-yo...

No info yet of what the teens were accused of (if anything) but the cops' behaviour seems utterly disproportionate.



Not only roughed up and his eye bloodied; the cops left the young man out in the cold and dark WITHOUT A COAT in Québec City (colder than Montréal this time of year).


More on this egregious case of racial profiling/police brutality. Fortunately, quite a few people there are rallying in support of the victim(s), including Jackie Smith, the new city council member from the progressive municipal party, Transition Québec.





A brutal, racist attack on an elderly gentleman of Haitian origin (NOT involved in a youth gang) as he was picking up his wife after her work - this one was in my neighbourhood, so I'll be writing to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, Alexandre Boulerice and Josefina Blanco (my new city council member).

https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2021-12-08/un... All this because Monsieur asked the cop to put on his mask...

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

When I was a young mannish boy.me and my friends would raise hell. . I have been arrested a lot for stupid things like disturbing the peace, trespassing and some mild vandalism. they;d just call my parents and tell them what I was up to and set me free after a parent could pick me up/. So I'd have to deal with domestic justice,

I used to get away with everything. I was a party animal in my early adult years,always up to mischief and admittedly a few times I did some bad things, Free as a bird. I was arrested for drug possession 3 times and still have a clear record. There is nothing to show for it. No court appearances.

So I know white privilege very well. I I know that if I had been browner,I would not get away with these things. I feel guilty about that but I can't change my race. A race oif privilege.

BTW, that story about the old man getting beaten picking up his wife is different, I never did anything like that in m,y life in which I'm happy.

I hope the perps get caught and hopefully no privilege is granted. Yet I don't care what their race is, they should see a courtroom. a judge and then prison for a lengthy time. It's sickening.


Another jaw dropper. Multiple people had to approve this. 


As Mahmoud Mourra was out hunting on the prairie in southern Alberta, he came across a familiar sight in an unfamiliar location: the dome of a mosque, replete with minaret and crescent symbol.

Only the mosque was not real. It was part of a training facility at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield, about 250 kilometres southeast of Calgary.

Canadian Forces officials say such training facilities need to be as real as possible to simulate the types of environments that soldiers might see on tour. 

And they are trying to defend it. Apparently they don't come across churches in the countries we invade. 


Unfortunately, I'm not even shocked.... Near where I live, other than massive, underattended, Catholic churches, there is also a Vietamese Buddhist temple, sadly severely vandalised in the wave of anti-Asian racism, and so on. One positive light in darkness was the large number of people (most of them younger than me) who marched to the largest mosque in the area, opposite Parc métro station, to show their solidarity with the aggrieved Muslim community after the Québec (City) mosque massacre.

Alan, in the case I mentioned, the perp was a cop. I was looking for a story in English, but oddly haven't found one yet.



Working people must also reject the vulgar attempt to place the blame for the government fiasco on refugees. Last Monday, in a tweet reeking of racism, Labour Minister Jean Boulet urged the Trudeau government to “close the Roxham Road” through which “irregular” migrants fleeing the United States attempt to find refuge in Canada. “We must all mobilize in the face of the rising number of COVID-19 cases [due to] Omicron [sic] so as not to overload our health care system!” he wrote.





The racist/fascist Neo-Nazi bonehead who lived in my neighbourhood at the time he set off for Charlotteville finally faces legal action for the violent hatred he expressed targeting Jewish and Asian people:


Said bonehead was known for hosting Nazi cookouts on his terrasse (large balcony atop another dwelling or garage) with like-minded boneheads. Where he lived and organised hate was very close to the riding offices of Alexandre Boulerice and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, and also very close to churches and temples with predominantly Black or Asian (Vietnamese, in this case) congregations.

Many people in the neighbourhood took part in a large, peaceful demonstration. Nazi scrammed, as it seemed, all the way to Vancouver...

Nazis Raus!


I found an article in the Gazette (there was an almost identical one in La Presse) with our local neo-Nazi recruiter mouthing on about his anti-semitic and anti-Asian hate speech being nothing but an elaborate joke on political correctness...
