It is disturbing to see people excoriated, even losing their jobs, for statements that are now politically incorrect but nevertheless contain some element of truth. Is it so inconceiveable to everyone, that some people who participated in the creation of residential schools, did naively but sincerely believe they were helping to establish good works? - Or that many immigrants have come to Canada with no intention of harming anyone; only after arrival gradually learning about the historic & ongiong oppression of the indigenous people (not to mention the ignorance & racist attitudes of many long-established 'white' Canadians)
On that last note, I've recently had a second-generation Canadian say "Well, they sold us their land, didn't they" - which to this immigrant was profoundly ignorant - but maybe not all that uncommon?
A large number of the early immigrants came here simply to escape scourges in their native lands - the Irish famine for example, and the highland 'clearances'. And people have been coming here ever since, often simply on the strength of Canada's modern reputation, however misplaced, as a very tolerant country with a high standard of living. Branding all immigrants as intentional colonizers is over-the-top foolish (and in itself quite intolerant.)