The Long Overdue Death of the Jewish Defence League

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The Long Overdue Death of the Jewish Defence League

The long overdue death of the Jewish Defence League

"On July 9, 2021, one of Canada's oldest hate organizations quietly folded up its tent and went home. On his weekly podcast, his voice cracking in parts, Jewish Defence League (JDL) head Meir Weinstein made the following incoherent statement:

'To better deal with the threats to Canada's national security and hate crimes against ethnic communities, including the Jewish Community, it is necessary first and foremost to use legal tools and cooperate with local and federal government, [at] all levels.

I would like to announce today that I am stepping down from the activities with the Jewish Defence League, and the establishment of a new group of lawyers, researchers and security professionals assigned to investigate and document hate crimes and activities that undermine Canada's national security and bring to justice the criminals. More details about the group will be presented in the near future.

At the same time, I intend to focus on promoting Hebrew culture, tradition and history among the Jewish Community in Canada and the US as well, to ensure the continued heritage of the Jewish people for thousands of years and its connection to the land on which the great historical events of the Jewish People were engraved, the land of Israel.'

One could be accused of jumping the gun with talk of demise. After all, the announcement only related to Weinstein. But who could conceivably pick up the mantle of grand wizard of Jewish fascism with Weinstein gone? The JDL, to all intents and purposes, is no more..."



Weinstein and the JDL had drawn too much heat to the Israel lobby and questions were being asked about who funded and protected them and why they were able to escape the fate and forced demise of other militant Canadian hate groups for so long.

As indicated, Weinstein will now be 'resposted' and emerge in  more 'acceptable' form to more effectively continue his work for Apartheid Israel and the Zionist cause.


Yes, it sounds more like a regroupment than a demise.

Jewish friends of mine in Canada and in France have received death threats from the respective national groups of that violent hate organisation.

Ken Burch

lagatta4 wrote:

Yes, it sounds more like a regroupment than a demise.

Jewish friends of mine in Canada and in France have received death threats from the respective national groups of that violent hate organisation.

So...the JDL defends people who are Jewish by threatening to KILL people who are Jewish?


Yes, their founder Meir Kahane hated "Bad Jews".

In Paris, they became a serious threat to some of my left-wing Jewish friends. Imagine it was the same in NYC - I could ask a friend in Brooklyn.

Ken Burch

lagatta4 wrote:

Yes, their founder Meir Kahane hated "Bad Jews".

In Paris, they became a serious threat to some of my left-wing Jewish friends. Imagine it was the same in NYC - I could ask a friend in Brooklyn.

I wonder if that mindset is the root of the "wrong kind of Jew" slur that the Labour Right is using to expel every Jewish party member that refused to take part in the Five Years' Hate against Corbyn and all socialists?  


Norman Finkelstein on the 'Anti-Semite Corbyn' claims (vid)

"The British elites could not have gotten away with calling Corbyn an anti-Semite unless they had the visible support of all the leading Jewish organisations...They are the enablers of this concerted conspiracy by the whole of British elite society to destroy Jeremy Corbyn."