Fed up with the lack of action by adults on climate change, students in 1301 protests in 99 countries around the world are planning to protest on March 15th and May 3rd to protest the failure of previous generations including those currently in power to deal with the global existential problem of the 21st century, one that will have a greater impact on youth than any previous generation. The protests are open to people of all ages. It all started with a 15 year old girl with autism, Greta Thunberg, protesting alone outside the Swedish parliament last August and has avalanched into a worldwide movement that has already staged several protests.
Below is a list of the number of protests in each of the 99 countries where protests will be staged.
By clicking on the circles on the global map of the url below, you can find a March 15th Fridays For Future climate change protest near you, including 42 in Canada.