Dome of Stupidity

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Buddy Kat
Dome of Stupidity

 Everyone knows about carbon monoxide ..deadly , invisible , tasteless, odorless and the cause of many respiratory diseases and ailments..including death and if you survived death then ...permenent brain damage.

  However on cold windless nights that gas wants to turn into a liquid. Tonight in Saskatoon it should be close to -40 degrees below zero C and relativly windless.  This is a great opportunity to see the dome of stupidity. Set youself 10 kms away from the city and in the wee hours of the morning you'll get to see the once a year event. Lights from the city will illuminate the carbon monoxide that hovers over the city while people sleep quietly in their heated homes.




Carbon monoxide condenses at -192C.

It's ice fog. Yes some of it is from exhaust,  and your breath, and everything humid. If you have seen open parts of the South Saskatchewan, you have probably noticed a lot of it coming from there.

I am sure you have seen the trick of throwing a cup of boiling water into the air at this temperature and having it turn into a cloud. That is ice fog too.

I am not trying to downplay pollution (or stupidity), but this is not the same thing as smog or wildfire smoke. The fog we get in the minus 30s and below is almost entirely water.

Check out how things are right now on the world air quality map: