I think I made a good case why direct action by Canadian citizens will not accomplish anything, and is completely impossible (because there’s no way of doing it).The environmental movement has succeeded in stopping all new pipelines from the oil sands against the will of a majority Harper government and the most powerful multi-national corporations on Earth.
We do live in a democracy. Why has the enviromental movement been so successful in stopping them? Why wasn't Harper able to push them through?
I posted a link to an article about environmental groups making some agreement with the Alberta NDP and oil companies to not oppose getting Alberta oil to market in exchange for a high hard cap on emissions that still leads to a radical increase.
I don't think they understand. The environmental groups can make all the deals they want. There is no "whipped vote". It is the people inhabiting the land along the pipelines that are objecting. They aren't going to just give up. Even if there were no such thing as climate change we still wouldn't want massive amounts of oil traveling through our communities and threatening our major waterways. Climate change just helps broaden support beyond the communities that are directly impacted. There is no left/right divide on this issue.
It is not at all impossible for Canadians to force the government to our collective will.
Despite sizable protest to the pipeline the way I see it is that the key factor for the momentary stalling of the pipeline was the sharp decline in oil prices. The deciding factor was profit margins, not citizen show of protest. And being held hostage with ‘lots of pollution’ and agreeing to ‘some pollution’ is progress I suppose, or its just a game to get away with some pollution. “You want me to not break your skull? How about I just break your nose instead? Compromise!“.
The idea that I was trying to get across was that you’ll notice that certain politicians, organizations, corporations support multiple deadly/impoverishing policies. Identifying them, and working to peacefully remove them or the very least neutering them would solve many issues at once (enviromental, wars, militarism, social, etc).