Boycott / sanction Saudi Arabia!

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A senior Saudi official issued what was perceived to be a death threat against the independent United Nations investigator, Agnès Callamard, after her investigation into the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In an interview with the Guardian, the outgoing special rapporteur for extrajudicial killings said that a UN colleague alerted her in January 2020 that a senior Saudi official had twice threatened in a meeting with other senior UN officials in Geneva that month to have Callamard “taken care of” if she was not reined in by the UN.



'This is sheer evil'

"US-backed Saudi Arabia bombed a grains port in Yemen where millions of men, women and children are already starving to death. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are covering up a genocide in Yemen."

As is Canada which continues selling billions in arms to Saudi while imposing sanctions on China/Russia for 'human rights' violations.


'I am against aggression because it is against my country and because western imperialism is the one standing behind it.'

"As Western liberals slowly, finally begin to criticize the genocidal US-UK-Saudi war on Yemen, they try to depoliticize it, to make it about 'humanitarianism'. But the Yemeni people recognize that their resistance against US-UK-Saudi aggression is a struggle against imperialism."

And no - Canada hasn't stopped selling union-made arms to the Saudis.


Saudis execute a man for crimes committed as a minor

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently executed a 26-year old Mustafa al Darwish for rioting against the government. He is said to have participated in riots between 2011-2012. Former UK MP George Galloway shares his perspective."

Remember way back when some Canadian progressives became mildly interested in protesting Saudi human rights abuses and ending our multi-billion arms sales to the kingdom. Remember when both Trudeau and Freeland said they were 'seriously reconsidering' Canada's links to Saudi? Remember when nothing happened after?

[email protected]


Unions must stand united to end Canada's arms sales to Saudi Arabia

"The following is an open letter addressed to Unifor National President Jerry Dias from Labour Against the Arms Trade..."

If your union has not yet taken action or spoken out against this heinous continuing arms trade, please make them aware of the issue.


Canada flouting international law by continuing Saudi arms sales, report says

"Canada must cancel arms export permits, comply with the Arms Trade Treaty, and stop arming Saudi..."


Canada urged to stop fuelling war in Yemen

"...Saudi Arabia is Canada's largest export market for military goods after the US. Cesar Jaramillo, executive director of Project Ploughshares, a Waterloo, Ont, disarmament group, said its embarrassing for Canada to be named by a UN panel investigating breeches of international humanitarian law in Yemen.

'All Canadians should be ashamed about Canada's dishonourable inclusion in this damning report,' he said. 'This is no longer a question of whether Canada may be unknowingly facilitating the commission of human-rights violations. This is a matter of Canada being disturbingly close to complicity in war crimes..."

Yet another critical matter  you'll not see raised in this awful and pointless stage-(mis-)managed election campaign unless you do.


Stephen Harper says he's proud of $15-billion arms deal with Riyadh as he prepares to visit Saudi Arabia

"...The relationship was grounded in shared opposition to the threat posed to the region and wider world by the regime in Iran, a threat that continues to grow,' he [Harper] wrote on Friday.

Mr Harper also expressed pride in the agreement to sell light-armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia. The deal, which Ottawa brokered in 2014, called for the Canadian subsidiary of a US defence contractor, General Dynamics, to supply more than 740 light armoured vehicles (LAVs) to the Saudis. The vehicles were equipped with machine guns and anti-tank cannons.

The deal faced significant criticism [hardly and soon fell silent] because of Saudi Arabia's poor human rights record [not to mention the US's], its role in the war in Yemen and its use of similar vehicles to fight militants in its Eastern province.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed in 2018 to try to find a way to cancel the arrangement, but he ultimately did not..."

Good of the Glob to remind us since the customary short period  of obligatory virtue-signalling is long past and over.

Aside from a very few courageous protests by a very few Canadians,  the oft-cited but seldom seen 'Canadian progressive movement' has long put this behind itself and forgotten if it ever knew.

But then again, as some babblers are always quick to remind us, Canadians don't care about foreign policy. Unless it involves bashing Russia, China, or cheering on the Biden Dems of course.


He's going there to receive the Order of the Bone Saw.


Breaking: Saudi Arabia & the UAE are dropping US-UK-made bombs on Yemen's capital city of Sanaa at 2 am as Yemeni families are sleeping.

"But western media are too busy agitating for a war with Russia over Ukraine, to care."

Yes, preferring to endlessly fulminate over deficiencies of official enemies Russia and China, the Canadian liberal-left conveniently disappears our 'feminist foreign policy' decision to continue selling $15 BILLION in arms and killing-machines to help the richest country in the world exterminate those in the poorest.

"When asked Tuesday how Canada intends to proceed from here, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland reiterated Ottawa's position that no new weapons export permits will be signed for Saudi Arabia for now..."

Canada Stands Pat on Saudi Arms Sales Even After Hearing Khashoggi Tape

Canada's left 'stands pat' with her.


Saudi Arabia executes 81 people in a single day

"Thank god we're getting our energy from ethical sources..."

Only if/when NATO declares Saudi an official enemy will people take notice and/or demand Canada cease selling them billions in arms to murder Yemen etc.


'Western regimes are the world's most dangerous enemies of human dignity' (and vid)

"Today's protests in Al Qatif, Saudi Arabia in response to the massacre and beheadings of 81 young men. Western media silence is sickening and exposes the fact that they have zero interest in human rights and values. Western regimes are the world's most dangerous enemies of human dignity."

Unfortunately true. Almost always, only allegations of human rights violations by official enemies are guaranteed coverage and an outraged public.


As is frequently the case, after a brief virtue-signalling with promises by the Trudeau regime to reconsider Canada's trade relations with the murderous Saudis ( now also staunch allies of Canada's friends the murderous Israelis) business is booming.

"StatCan data revealed today shows another $69.71 M worth of 'tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles' were exported from Canada to Saudi Arabia."


"Canada spent more on Saudi Arabian crude oil in March '22 than any single month in years. $489.9M (2nd only to imports of US oil = $3.18B."

'Boycott-Sanction Saudi Arabia' doesn't seem to have much traction within the Canadian progressive left activist community either. Thrown on their unfortunately very high pile...


..stats for march from statcan


Like in the US, most of the plants building weapons platforms are unionized.


Saudi dictators behind new plane for PM Trudeau

The Canadian government is buying two aircraft for a fleet used by the prime minister from a company controlled by notorious Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, a Breach investigation can reveal.

The deal, worth $133 million and made public last week without any disclosure of the Saudi ties, could be the latest sign of a stealthy normalization of relations between Ottawa and the Middle Eastern regime.

Hours before U.S. President Joe Biden touched down in Saudi Arabia last week, the Department of National Defence announced they would purchase two used Airbus A330-200 airliners from the International AirFinance Corporation (IAFC), an investment front for the Saudi royal family.

IAFC is controlled by Tharawat, a company central to the family’s business dealings. It is wholly owned by Turki bin Salman, the younger brother of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who oversees a sprawling and secretive business empire.  


Healing a “fractured” relationship 

The sale of the aircraft may be a sign of warming ties, ever since an official spat was sparked in 2018 by then Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland expressing concern about the arrest of Saudi feminist activists.

At the time, Saudi Arabia expelled Canada’s ambassador and suspended new trade and investment with Ottawa.

Trudeau’s government, however, continued to export billions of dollars worth of Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) to Saudi Arabia, despite widespread criticism.

In a transition book prepared for incoming Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly as late as January 2021, the relationship with Saudi Arabia was described as “fractured,” but the Kingdom remained “Canada’s most important two-way trading partner” in the Middle East.

But late last year veteran Canadian diplomat Perry Calderwood was quietly appointed chargé d’affairs in Saudi Arabia, taking the place of the former ambassador.

This year, several Canadian mining and defence companies have appeared at summits and bazaars in Riyadh. 

Corporate lobby organizations that promote trade between the countries, largely dormant since 2018, have also restarted activities this summer, including discussions in Saudi Arabia on “emerging business opportunities.” 

Saudi Arabia has also appeared to reverse its efforts, initially decreed by the King in 2018, to divest itself of Canadian investments.

In 2020, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, largely controlled by crown prince bin Salman, bought stakes in Canadian energy companies Canadian Natural and Suncor worth several hundred million dollars. It has sold those since but taken comparable stakes in other mining and energy companies.....


Trudeau-Freeland follow their Uncle Joe in foreign policy. Wherever he goes they go. Saudi, like Israel, is 'in the club'. And billions of dollars in Canadian union-made weapons of death will continue to find Saudi customers. To stop this, as with so many other critical wrongs, we need an organized, strong and activist left we do not have.


Saudi Activist Gets 34 Years in Prison for Tweets Demanding Women’s Rights

In Saudi Arabia, women’s rights defender Salma al-Shehab has been sentenced to 34 years in prison over her advocacy. It’s reportedly the longest sentence ever given to a Saudi women’s rights activist. Al-Shehab was initially sentenced to a six-year prison term over tweets she posted critical of Saudi Arabia’s treatment of women. But an appeals court last week increased the sentence to 34 years behind bars and banned al-Shehab from leaving the kingdom for an additional 34 years. Human rights advocates warn of worsening conditions for Saudi women as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman intensifies his crackdown on dissent.


Canada, Saudi Arabia Agree To Restore Relations 5 Years After Diplomatic Feud

"...But despite Ottawa's concerns about human rights, Dennis Horak - Canada's former ambassador who was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 2018 - said 'it's about time' relations were restored with the Kingdom.

Horak also suggested that Saudi Arabia could have an impact on the war in Ukraine, as the country has ties with Russia..."

Remember when our then fascist foreign minister Freeland promised Canadian 'action' against Saudi human rights violations, then did nothing but continue selling billions in arms for the Saudis' western-backed genocidal war in Yemen?


Saudi Arabia is Top Export Destination For Canadian Arms Exports After US in 2022

"Ottawa's Department of Global Affairs in a May 31 report said Saudi Arabia was again the top non-US export market for defence equipment in 2022, receiving more than $1.15 billion in shipments from Canada."

Because Canada's peace and disarmament movement is so strong and well supported nowadays.
