I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread with some good background facts for people coming into this forum. There is an awful lot left out of Canadian education when it comes to even the most basic of issues pertaining to Aboriginal peoples. The majority of Canadians do not even understand Status, much less more complex issues like Aboriginal title, or duty to consult.
Historical issues such as early interactions between Aboriginal peopls and Europeans is barely covered in schools, though if you're looking for Aboriginal content, that's generally where it stays. Information on Residential Schooling took decades to come to light and become a nationally known (if not fully understood) fact. It's no surprise then that the vast majority of Canadians have no idea how Aboriginal rights directly impact them (or don't).
So, here we go! A thread to be fleshed out! If you wish to contribute, please do so, either with questions or information. As much as possible, please provide sources (if you are adding content).