Sorry Timebandit but I was telling you how it was for my son not claiming that was how it was in Edmonton. I thought I was having a conversation with you and mostly agreeing so I think that would rightly be a straw man conversation not a straw man argument.
The actual semantics of what you call consequences is irrelevant. I don't understand how any system will change the amount of time a teacher needs to take with individual students. The idea that one method will change behaviour without a teacher pressing the student in some manner is also not in play here. It seems to me that after 150 posts we have reached consensus that the real key is not the mechanics of the policy but the teaching skills of the teachers.
I personally think a good teacher will be able to get good outcomes no matter whether they have the ability to give zeros on an assignment. This teacher was using his students to make a political statement in a dispute over policy. I think he should not be using children to make political points over a policy he disagrees with. If this is the best he can do in getting his message across I would give him a D- for creativity and tell him that he should give his next assignment more thought before rushing it to meet a press deadline.