Winnipeg is getting snow, too, but it's too cold for slush! Working from home this aft with a stew in the crock pot. Cozy!
winter closing in
I miss Winnipeg.
Lagatta, when the cold is drier and the snow packed down, do you ride your bike? I did that in Winnipeg (and do when I can here, in northern BC) and found snow cycling to be very fun - in temps above -15. I use the sidewalks because the streets aren't safe. The very idea of this apparently annoys a number of people, but I don't care. I'm courteous on the sidewalks and I always get off my bike if I'm passing a pedestrian.
One of the things I miss about Winnipeg is the fact you can walk on the river in winter, and the brush is so dense that in many places it completely blocks out the city. It's a bit roundabout, but I used to ski up it to get to the U of M the one winter I worked there.
Jas, they remove the snow here from the streets and pavements. Weather very different from Winnipeg; it is quite icy out, so no cycling, and with this cold, I'm not even walking as much as I should be. I'm finding severe cold harder and harder to stand - makes me sort of understand why older people would move to boring places in Florida (not that I'd ever do that, even if I had the funds and the Yanks would let me into their f-ing country).
I could see using the bicycle on the sidewalks in localities in Northern BC, as there aren't any really big cities there, but here it would be very discourteous and dangerous for older people and small children, as a lot of pedestrians use them - I live between the Jean-Talon Market and a Canadian Tire outlet, and lots of people are walking by with household items one way and groceries (and plants, in season) in the other. And in any event, there are bicycle lanes all the way up and down my street, from the railway tracks that are the border between my area and the Plateau/Mile-End to the Jean-Talon Market and beyond. But they are too icy for me.
I really hope the current cold wave lets up; I know people on the Prairies etc are used to such temps, but I find it hard to get enough exercise, which is dispiriting as well as bad for physical health. Nobody seems to want to visit anyone else. Trying not to get into a funk - this board also has the sad story of Boom Boom prominently displayed, and I also lost a relative not much older than myself not long ago. At least my ancient cat is holding up.
Going back to bed soon!
back in Montreal after decades abroad, and my first December here in 20 years; had made winter visits to Canada notably once in February, but...
you forget some things, and this sure was a reminder type of month:
anyone know how this very cold December compares to normals? Every time I see an annual C/F average on TV or elsewhere, we have been "well below" average temps, since early in the month.
Update: found it myself,
and pretty much every day since the 2nd week of December has been well below average here:
and no relief in sight in January forecasts
oh my...... and here it's gorgeous....for the forseeable future too.
link to current weather for next 7 days here in the Rockies. though it's warmer than says it is. no snow and the sky is blue for the minute looks like clouding over and will then stay warm warm. . it's 'bout +3 right now in the valley. the tourist rags should be here taking pics. truely post card material.
DaveW, Winnipeg is apparently also experiencing record colds.
Here in north-central BC, it's just ridiculous amounts of snow. The town looks like the set of a children's animated Christmas cartoon.
Too bad about the ice, Lagatta. I can relate to the reduced exercise thing when it's really cold out. But don't forget living room dancing! :)
Jas, Oh, I do the living room dancing thing. I don't actually have a living room, so it is "home-office dancing". I have two mini-barbells (oh, just 3lb) on the lower shelf of one of my desks; they provide some upper-body toning. Downstairs neighbour has been away, so I don't have to worry so much about noise. At Espace Musique (Radio-Canada 2) online there is a specific stream for exercise; it is fun but I think eventually it would repeat.
yes, the whole East is experiencing a very cold winter, our kitchen pipes in Montreal poorly insulated hence frozen this morning,
and Winnipeg going crazy, as per French Yahoo:
jas are you in PG or Mackenzie?
RCMP are advising the public of a large landslide, due to an avalanche, on Shale Hill near Mount Robson and is approximately 400 meters wide...crews are on scene assessing the scale and scope of the slide. It is currently unknown if any vehicles were involved or caught in the avalanche.
The RCMP say Hwy 16 East is completely blocked and there are no detours available. Ministry of Transportation continue to assess the incident and an Avalanche Technician is en route to the area at this time.
Ministry of Transportation has advised that the risk of additional slides is very high and it is too dangerous to enter the current slide area to look for vehicles.
..Highway 1 is also closed indefinitely between Revelstoke, Golden and the Alberta border due to the risk of avalanches. These two highways are the main connections between BC and Alberta. The only highway connecting the provinces is now Hwy 3 at Crow’s Nest Pass, other than the roads north of Grande Prairie
yeah, an oddity, that...
anyway, given its Winterpeg reputation, I was wondering what the average January temps are for Winnipeg esp. vis a vis Ottawa/Montreal, also a notorious cold-weather corridor....
Here we go
-- a lot colder than Montreal on average, about 7C less on an average January day, yikes:
in real temps, for us old folks, that is about 13 degrees Fahrenheit colder every single day in January -- 8F vs 21F, sheesh.
Thank the Catgoddess we've been having a thaw. It was really beautiful today. I'm so happy to be able to go for walks and a) breathe b) not feel like I have to pee every few metres. And no, being "properly dressed" doesn't dispose of either of those issues.
we're having a 'thaw''s why the slides are coming down. got 4ft of snow supposed to rain tonight.
March 1, 2014 and the forecast high temperature for Winnipeg is minus 27. The nomral low is approximately minus 15.
winter still dragging on.... and on:
Montreal scheduled for another 10 days of relatively below average temps,
although till weekend temps will be about 0C:
countdown: 10 days to real spring in Montreal:
Just so you know [url=]the truth[/url] is out there.
moist and melting in Montreal:
awoke to sound of running water, and gently tapped on upstairs neighbour's door: was her toilet running all night?
.... no, she said: I thought that sound came from chez vous downstairs.
opened garage door and huge surge of water pouring out from newly melted icewater in our cracked pipes
spring has sprung, and thank god for plumbers who answer quickly!
I made a bet we would not go back under 0C after Wednedsay, but for the moment I am heading for a loss:
anyway, next weekend 28-30th looking to be warm and wet by all projections
Just in time for my furnace to break down
Oh, that was funny (though I'm sure it was staged - I don't think any person would wilfully destroy his or her shovel). My shovel is metal, so I doubt I even could.
We got a bit of snow overnight. Not much, but just enough to piss us off completely.
We haven't even heard from our friends in Atlantic provinces, where they got such a big dump just recently.
if this holds true here in Montreal -- well above zero C every day this week -- I am moving on to a spring thread for April:
LOL! Or as I call it, welcome to what I call a typical spring on the Prairies!
I hope it will change. Right now I am aching all over, and have turned to drink (in modest portions, as befits my no-longer-impermeable age). I'm sipping on a glass of sherry and eating some kind of supposedly healthier and low-fat junk food (ha, ha). I haven't slit a vein yet.
What doesn't hurt? No headache, my feet don't hurt, no hurts from viscera.No tummy upset or odd digestive symptoms. I haven't put on weight, but I feel as if my body is turning to jelly.
Paraphrasing the late and regretted Freddy Mercury:
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it WHEN I like!!!!!!
I repost here the Govt of Canada 7-day forecast, which averages +6C highs this week in Montreal, not without reservations as they have consistently been too optimistic (other sites say high +4C today, they say 7C), but it is the warning bell for the Spring thread to come:
I will see , groundhog-like, at 3pm this aft
[url=]7-day forecast?[/url]
good one,
that explains my March optimism; will send to my wife.... maybe I will be forgiven
[url= typically Winnipeg:[/url]
If Winnipeg’s enduring winter conditions have an upside, it is that it’s possible to shoot a Christmas movie here in April.Sure enough, a TV movie titled One Christmas Eve is shooting in town with Anne Heche playing a newly divorced mom having some unexpected adventures the night before Christmas.
I woke up to snow this morning in southwestern Ontario. Well, it is April after all. The kicker is that it was 18 degrees yesterday. That's seriously messed up.
very rainy today in Montreal, and unlike the last week average of about 12-14C , temps are sinking:
overnight goes again below 0C freezing, and Wednesday 16th dips weirdly to a cold temp, 2-3C,
before rising again for a sunnier Easter weekend
After a balmy December, winter has a death grip here in Winnipeg. It's been persistently cold (by "cold" I mean high temperatures in the minus 20s) for the past couple of weeks, and this weekend we were treated to a lovely windchill of minus 40. I know Winnipeg has a reputation as a cold city, but for it to be this cold for this lenght of time this late in February is unusual even by our standards.
This has been the mildest winter I can remember in a long time... a friend of mine was mentioning that the tulips in her south facing flower bed have actually started to come up. Of course being Calgary, this probably means we will get -30s in March and April.
Winnipeg's cold right now, but it's been a much more moderate winter than the last one. Looking forward to warmer temperatures in a few weeks!
I live in Montreal. Coldest winter we've had in years. I'm praying for an early spring.
I'm praying not to get my Hydro cut off...
Isnt it against the rules to cutr off any services in winter? It is here in Toronto.
Anything is possible in Québec these days...
Yes, during winter it is illegal. But then spring comes.
Winter has closed in for bloody long enough. It has been somewhat more human here of late, though far from decent weather still...
Maudite marde, we got a bit of !@#$%?&* snow. This was not expected, but I guess it just takes a current veering a bit off its predicted course when it is below freezing at night. !@#$%?&* !@#$%?&*
Jeebus, I hate winter.
Snowfall warnings are in effect through many parts of Western Canada. Or, to put it in plain Praire-folk speak, welcome to October.
Snowfall warnings are in effect through many parts of Western Canada. Or, to put it in plain Praire-folk speak, welcome to October.
Think that's bad?? We're suffering through a sunny day, 22 degrees (feels like 24), with more of the same tomorrow. A little sympathy our way, please!
Still questioning why I didn't move further east...
Saskatchewan got snow, be we haven't, yet. Chilly out, though.
The Garry Oaks have shed their leaves seemingly early this year. The wet stuff now, mostly. A big algae bloom this summer made the ocean an icky green, though a good sign is vessels fishing for herring again. What i mean by that is I recently saw some of the returning humpback whales ... which might mean the herring is back to stay. That would be good.
I've got about half a cord of fire wood but I will need more to get through the winter. I picked up a nice Makita for the smaller stuff.
There seem to be more spiders in the house. They like the wet but not too wet.
Timebandit, or farther west ... but mortgages or rents for a family abode in much of southern BC are absolutely out of the question.