¨How are you justified in taking this minority view and projecting it back to other FN and others¨
I must return to this declaration and general attitude, which I feel is just but one critical element in the total dysfunctionality of the Progressive movements in Canada, and of course at the risk of offending ¨political correctness¨!
We as settler populations are supportive and thereby somewhat complicit in the Canadian Governments oppression and violations of the rights and territoriality of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada!
Why do we not have the right to offer our proposals and enter into supportive Alliance with Indigenous sovereigntists, albeit minorities?
Likewise in the case of Canada´s complicity in the attempted massacres of the Peoples of Novorossya, the massacres of Canada /NATO against the Kurdish populations, ad nauseum. And in Greece, where our banks hold significant derivative trade in support of the creditors dissolution of an entire country? Do we not have the right as intellectuals and activists to offer our ideas and support to likeminded peoples in these struggles?
Not to direct and control! But to offer support!
Do you think such groupings albeit mionorities perhaps wouldn´t welcome and cherish our support?
No I´m sorry but such an attitude on noninterference in other People´s struggles is self defeating for everyone concerned!